I have a dictionary D1 and I´d like to create a new dictionary D2 with the same keys as D1 and
by replacing all the values in each key of D1.
I did this :
for i in 1:length(CT)
D2 = Dict(k => (D1[k] .= CT[i]) for k in keys(D1))
This works but the D1 dictionary also changes. How can I keep the values in D1 unchanged?
So the array CT = [8,9] from column 2 of df2
D1 = Dict(“c” = [1,3,4,6] , “b” = [2,5]) has as keys c and b and as values the indexes of c and b in the dataframe df1
D2 = Dict(“c” = [8,8,8,8] , “b” = [9,9]) has as keys c and b and as values what corresponds to c and b in CT.
Dict(k => fill(CT[i], size(D1[k])...) for k in keys(D1)) might work. Do note that Julia’s dictionaries aren’t ordered, so the double iteration you’re doing can probably yield unexpected values.
If you mutate the vectors that you store in D1, then yes, D1 will be changed. You need to copy the vectors if you need separate instances for both dictionaries.
So maybe (without trying it out)
for i in 1:length(CT)
D2 = Dict(k => (copy(D1[k]) .= CT[i]) for k in keys(D1))