I have a problem with using the Unicode symbols in Jupyter lab. After entering \bbD, \bbO, or any other character with the Unicode starting with “1D” in a Jupyter cell, Jupyter stops to understand any other Unicode characters in this cell. For example, I can enter “α β γ δ 𝐀”, but after this, if I try to enter “α β γ δ 𝐀 \alpha” and press Tab, it throws “BoundsError: attempt to access 23-codeunit String at index [1:24]”, see the picture below.
What can I do with it? The same problem appears for Julia 1.8.3 and Julia 1.8.5. It appears only in the browser version of Jupyter, there are no problems in vs code, but I prefer to work in the browser because it eats less memory in this way and this is critical for me.
It works in Jupyter-notebook 6.5.2, but not in Jupyter-lab 3.6.1 (which seems to be the latest). It is irritating, but the notebook suits me well too, thank you very much!
Actually, hang on, it might be IJulia’s fault if it is mis-identifying the protocol version here. Let me check it. Nope, it definitely looks like the same old bug in JupyterLab — if I force IJulia to use the old buggy UTF-16 protocol by changing VersionNumber(m.header["version"]) ≥ v"5.2" to false, then it works in JupyterLab (but not in Jupyter).