JuMP: Register arbitary number of functions and use as constraints

I am doing some optimisation, the problems all look the same but the number of variables differ. I am trying to create a function which will do the optimisation problem in one line (optimise_this(some_problem)). The problem I am having is that I do not know how to register an arbitary number of functions as constraints.

What I have is basically this:

function optimise_problem(constraints_functions::Vector{Function},gradients::Vector{Function})
    n = length(constraints_functions)
    m = Model(solver = IpoptSolver())
    @variable(m, x[1:n] >= 0.)
    for i = 1:n
        JuMP.register(m, :fun_i, n, constraints_functions[i], gradients[i])
        @NLconstraint(m, fun_i(x...)==0)
    @objective(m, Max, 1)
    return getvalue(x)

(well, this is more solving than optimisation, but anyway)

The first problem is that I am a bit unsure how to correctly give the entire x vector into my function in @NLconstraint(m, fun_i(x...)==0). Here I try x... which does not seem to work.

The major problem is how to actually declare the function so that I can give an arbitrary (unique) name and then add it as a constraint. Setting :fun_i as in my example obviously does not work (but easiest way to illustrate what I wanted to do). If I unfolded the for loop and did it manually I could just write

JuMP.register(m, :fun_1, n, constraints_functions[1], gradients[1])
@NLconstraint(m, fun_1(x...)==0)
JuMP.register(m, :fun_2, n, constraints_functions[2], gradients[2])
@NLconstraint(m, fun_2(x...)==0)

The first one I could fix properly using JuMP.register(m, Symbol(:fun_,1), n, constraints_functions[1], gradients[1]). However, the declaration in the constraint does not allow for this. I have been think of metaprogramming somehow. But using eval() have a lot of implications and always feels dangerous, especially when it might not bee needed. I was thinking of using a macro, but that shouldn’t work either, right? (since the macro cannot see the content of the dim variable it wouldn’t either be able to make the fun_i(x…) properly in the constraint either, but maybe I am wrong).

the best I can come up with is just to write an humongous function like

function set_constraints(m,i,n,constraints_functions,gradients)
    JuMP.register(m, :fun_1, n, constraints_functions[1], gradients[1])
    @NLconstraint(m, fun_1(x...)==0)
    (i==1) && return
    JuMP.register(m, :fun_2, n, constraints_functions[2], gradients[2])
    @NLconstraint(m, fun_2(x...)==0)
    (i==2) && return
    JuMP.register(m, :fun_1000, n, constraints_functions[1000], gradients[1000])
    @NLconstraint(m, fun_1000(x...)==0)
    (i==1000) && return

and then I just ensure to have more entries than what I might need… However, it feels beyond ludicrous if this is the only way to do it…

It doesn’t feel like what I want to do is fundamentally problematical, but I am not sure how to get around the interface provided by JuMP to allow be to actually do it. However I am quite new to using JuMP so so figured I’d ask here and see if someone more familiar with it could help.

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Having the same issue here… @Gaussia did you figure out a solution, or did you just give up? Because I wouldn’t blame you for just giving up, some aspects of JuMP (especially nonlinear ones) frustrate me.

I wanted to bump this again and see if anybody knows of a solution.

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I have kinda forgotten if I found a solution or gave up. In the end I figured out a better approach for achieving what I wanted, without using Jump.

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I was just dealing with a similar issue like “… metaprogramming somehow. But (NOT) using eval() …”
And the crux of the solution came from @ChrisRackauckas and @c42f who suggested RuntimeGeneratedFunction.jl .

A Simple MWE code for RuntimeGeneratedFunction.jl here >>

More below :

# WORKS WAS -- f_symbolic_ans(x) = (x^3-x^2+1)
str_f_symbolic_BigD = "f_symbolic_ans(x) = (x^3-x^2+1)"
func_f_symbolic_BigD = @RuntimeGeneratedFunction(Meta.parse(str_f_symbolic_BigD))
f371 = ApproxFun.Fun(x->func_f_symbolic_BigD(x),Domain(r_left_x..r_right_x))

Also figured out my answer to "… quickly handling / removing Inf from answers "

# Base.Generator{  
gen_iter_f2 = ( r_x for r_x in Iterators.filter( x -> ( isfinite(ApproxFun.extrapolate(f371,x)) & isfinite(ApproxFun.extrapolate(funjac_u1,x)) )
                ,range_x ) )


However @Gaussia if you have “… figured out a better approach for achieving what I wanted, without using Jump. …”
I’d love to know what it was, could you outline a sketch in pseudo-code or such ?

You can do this in JuMP, but it requires some advanced usage of the raw expression input.

using JuMP, Ipopt
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:2] >= 0)
constraints = [
    (x, y) -> (x - y)^2,
    (x, y) -> x + y,
for (i, con) in enumerate(constraints)
    f = Symbol("f$(i)")
    register(model, f, 2, con; autodiff = true)
    add_NL_constraint(model, :($(f)($(x[1]), $(x[2])) == $(i - 1)))

Thanks for the reply, although I am still having difficulties. Can you explain though what is wrong here? It gives KeyError: key :fg not found for some reason. As far as I can tell, it’s the same as the above? Thanks!

using JuMP
model = Model()
@variables(model, begin
    -5 <= x[1:5] <= 5
    -4 <= y[1:3] <= 1
    -30 <= z
# Testing expression parsing
ex = :((x, y, z) -> sum(x[i] for i=1:4) - y[1] * y[2] + z)
symb = :fg
JuMP.register(model, symb, 3, eval(ex); autodiff = true)
vars = [x,y,z]
JuMP.add_NL_constraint(model, :($(symb)($(vars)...) >= 0))

You have multiple issues.

  1. You cannot pass vectors to user-defined functions: https://jump.dev/JuMP.jl/stable/nlp/#User-defined-functions-with-vector-inputs-1
  2. Splatting vars is not doing what you thing. You need [x; y; z]
  3. JuMP’s raw expression syntax is subtle. You need to construct the expression prior to splatting.

Putting everything together, you want something like:

model = Model()
@variables(model, begin
    -5 <= x[1:5] <= 5
    -4 <= y[1:3] <= 1
    -30 <= z
ex = :((x...) -> sum(x[i] for i=1:4) - x[5] * x[6] + x[7])
f_ex = eval(ex)
symb = :fg
vars = [x; y; z]
JuMP.register(model, symb, length(vars), f_ex; autodiff = true)
expr = Expr(:call, symb, vars...)
JuMP.add_NL_constraint(model, :($(expr) >= 0))

FYI, I resolved the issue by managing to “flatten” the inputs to the constraints. Still though, it would have been nice if JuMP had been able to handle vector inputs out of the box! Resolved.