I have created an optimisation problem in JuMP with a set constraints that is created from affine and non-linear expressions. When i print() the model, the constraints show up as below. Is there any way to print the full expanded constraint, or potentially even the sub-expressions that make up the constraint? I would like to check whether the formulation is being created properly. Grateful for any assistance. Many thanks,
(0_vr[1] ^ 2.0 + 0_vi[1] ^ 2.0) * (0_cr[(1, 1, 3)] ^ 2.0 + 0_ci[(1, 1, 3)] ^ 2.0) - 90.0 ^ 2.0 <= 0
(0_vr[3] ^ 2.0 + 0_vi[3] ^ 2.0) * (0_cr[(1, 3, 1)] ^ 2.0 + 0_ci[(1, 3, 1)] ^ 2.0) - 90.0 ^ 2.0 <= 0
subexpression[20] - subexpression[22] == 0
subexpression[21] - subexpression[23] == 0
subexpression[34] - subexpression[36] == 0
subexpression[35] - subexpression[37] == 0
subexpression[48] - subexpression[50] == 0
subexpression[49] - subexpression[51] == 0
You can do this if you name the constraint (upon creation or after), or if you use all_constraints
with the right constraint type.
julia> m = Model();
julia> @variable(m, x[1:3]);
julia> @constraint(m, c, x[1]^2 + 3x[2]^2 + 2x[3]^2 >= 0)
c : x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
# method 1 (use the name)
julia> c
c : x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
julia> m[:c]
c : x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
# method 2
julia> all_constraints(m, GenericQuadExpr{Float64,VariableRef}, MOI.GreaterThan{Float64})
1-element Array{ConstraintRef{Model,MathOptInterface.ConstraintIndex{MathOptInterface.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64},MathOptInterface.GreaterThan{Float64}},ScalarShape},1}:
c : x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
# method 3
julia> c = @constraint(m, x[1]^2 + 3x[2]^2 + 2x[3]^2 >= 0)
x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
julia> set_name(c, "My name")
julia> constraint_by_name(m, "My name")
My name : x[1]² + 3 x[2]² + 2 x[3]² ≥ 0.0
You can find out which constraint types are in your model with list_of_constraint_types
Many thanks! This is most appreciated.
July 22, 2020, 1:48am
For nonlinear expressions, subexpression printing isn’t implemented. There is an open issue: https://github.com/jump-dev/JuMP.jl/issues/1983