Hello all,
I am trying to solve an optimization problem in JUMP, however it is giving me some weird error (at least to me ), please see my code below
using JuMP
using HiGHS
Q = [1 0;
0 1.0]
A = zeros(0,2)
l1 = u1 = zeros(0)
M = ones(1,1)
N = -ones(1,1)
o = zeros(1)
l2 = zeros(1)
u2 = fill(Inf, 1)
x_init = [9.0, 8]
q = -[1.0; -2]
x = x_init
x_opt = []
n = length(x_init)
(zdim, wdim) = size(N)
items = 1:n
for k in 1:20
w = x[1:wdim]
z = solve_lmcp(M, N, o, l2, u2, w)
local_sols = find_local_solution_set(M,N,o,l2,u2,w,z)
for sol in local_sols
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, f[1:n] >= 0)
@objective(model, Min, 0.5*f'*Q*f+f'*q)
@constraint(model, l1 .<= A * f .<= u1)
x_opt = value.(f)
adf = []
adf = [Vector{Float64}(vec(w)),Vector{Float64}(vec(z))]
if all(isapprox(only(x), y; atol=1e-5) for (x,y) in zip(adf,x_opt))
return (x_opt)
x = 2.5.*[w, z] - 1.2*[w, z] #issue is with this line, if i comment this line the code works, but if not then it says "x" not defined, however "x" is in the loop above and is defined
it give me some weird error and says “x” not defined UndefVarError: x not defined
in the “if and else” conditions . However “x” is already defined above? any idea what is going wrong here?
Thank you