I have an optimization problem, but I am unsure which solver to use.
I think JuMP.jl might work for this (the problem looks linear to me).
Either @objective(....)
gives me an error or optimize!(model)
The problem is to buy n items from different webshops with shipping costs.
Thus I have M[i,j] = {1,0} indicating that I buy item i in shop j
and P[j,i] the price of item i in shop j
additionally I have shipping costs (currently constant at 25 for each shop)
below is my code.
The top code is only data generation.
The model definition is rather simple.
See the line with Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
Can someone tell me which solver to pick?
Or maybe if I should formulate the objective differently?
#using Revise; using BrickLink;import CSV; using DataFrames; using JSON3; using HTTP; using OAuth; using Dates ; using StatsBase
using CSV; using DataFrames
#optimize shopping
using JuMP #for optimization
#using HiGHS
#using Ipopt
using LinearAlgebra
@info("run ishop_fetch_data.jl to generate the data.")
data = CSV.read(download(raw"https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kafisatz/12ccf544a3924816be378cb785e0b04b/raw/c2baed05921e8f0e84ed0ccbdbdfb531ac7d90ab/dfsupply.csv"),DataFrame,types=Dict("setnowithdash"=>String));
#keep only one offer for each shop!
#filter for debugging / development
#toy example: let us consider only 6 sets for now
setnolist = sort(unique(data.setnowithdash)[2:7])
filter!(x->x.setnowithdash in setnolist,data);
@show unique(data.name)
shoplist = sort(unique(data.strStorename))
nsets = length(setnolist)
nshops = length(shoplist)
#set shipping costs (constant for now)
shipping_cost_fixed_value = 25.0
shoplist_shippingcosts_di = Dict(shoplist .=> shipping_cost_fixed_value)
shippingcosts_vec = ones(nshops) .* shipping_cost_fixed_value
infinite_price = 9e20 #large number (if item is not available in a certain shop)
#export create_price_matrix
function create_price_matrix(setnolist,shoplist,data;infinite_price=9e20)
#infinite_price to indicate that the shop has no offering for this set
#as we minimize the overall price, we set this to a large value ~ infinite
#Float Matrix
nsets = length(setnolist)
nshops = length(shoplist)
for shop in shoplist
dftmp = filter(x->x.strStorename==shop,data)
@assert size(dftmp,1) > 0
for setno in setnolist
dftmp = filter(x->x.setnowithdash==setno,data)
@assert size(dftmp,1) > 0
pricedict = Dict()
for i=1:size(data,1)
#for i=1:11
setno = data.setnowithdash[i]
shop = data.strStorename[i]
price = data.price[i]
pricedict[(setno,shop)] = price
#@show i,length(pricedict),i-length(pricedict)
p = zeros(nshops,nsets)
for i=1:nshops
for j=1:nsets
setno = setnolist[j]
shop = shoplist[i]
if haskey(pricedict,(setno,shop))
p[i,j] = pricedict[(setno,shop)]
p[i,j] = infinite_price
#consistency checks
@show sum(p .< infinite_price) , size(data,1), size(data,1) - sum(p .< infinite_price)
@assert sum(p .< infinite_price) == size(data,1)
return p
P = create_price_matrix(setnolist,shoplist,data);
one_vector = ones(Int,nsets)
#M_ij == 1 <-> we buy setnolist[i] from shoplist[j]
#M_init = zeros(Int,nsets,nshops)
#We want to minimize Sum_ij (P * M) + shipping costs
#shipping costs = Sum_j (shoplist_shippingcosts_di[j]) for each shop j where order at least one item (i.e. if the sum of column j of M is larger than zero)
#P -> price matrix, number of rows == nshops, number of columns == nsets
#M -> optimization variable, each entry must be 0 or 1, number of rows == nsets, number of columns == nshops
#M * P -> size is nsets X nsets
#(M * P) * one_vector is a vector of length nsets
#transpose(one_vector) * ((M * P) * one_vector) should be a float
shipping_costs = 0.0
#testing Linear Algebra
Mtest = rand(nsets,nshops);
transpose(one_vector) * ((Mtest * P) * one_vector) + shipping_costs
oneM = ones(Int,size(P))
Mtest[1,1] = 1; Mtest[2,2] = 1; Mtest[3,2] = 1; Mtest[4,2] = 1; Mtest[5,3] = 1; Mtest[6,4] = 1;
oneM * Mtest
shipping_costs = dot(shippingcosts_vec , (transpose(ones(nshops)) * (oneM * Mtest) .> 0))
shipping_costs = dot(shippingcosts_vec , map(x->min(1,x),(transpose(ones(nshops)) * (oneM * Mtest))[:] ))
objective_costs = transpose(one_vector) * ((Mtest * P) * one_vector) + shipping_costs
transpose(one_vector) * ((Mtest * P) * one_vector) + shipping_costs
#using JuMP;using Alpine;using Ipopt;using HiGHS
using HiGHS; model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
#using Ipopt; model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
#using Alpine;using Ipopt;using HiGHS;ipopt = optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0) ; highs = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "output_flag" => false); model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Alpine.Optimizer,"nlp_solver" => ipopt,"mip_solver" => highs,),)
#using MadNLP; model = Model(()->MadNLP.Optimizer(print_level=MadNLP.INFO, max_iter=100))
#using Juniper;using Ipopt; ipopt = optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level"=>0); optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver"=>ipopt); model = Model(optimizer)
#M_ij == true <-> we buy setnolist[i] from shoplist[j]
@variable(model, M[i = 1:nsets, j = 1:nshops],integer = true)
#M_ij must be 0 or 1
@constraint(model, [i = 1:nsets, j = 1:nshops], 0 <= M[i,j] <= 1)
#buy each item once
for i in 1:nsets
@constraint(model, sum(M[i,j] for j in 1:nshops) == 1)
#set initial values
for i=1:nsets
for j=1:nshops
#@objective(model,Min, transpose(one_vector) * ((M * P) * one_vector) + dot(shippingcosts_vec , map(x->min(1,x),(transpose(ones(nshops)) * (oneM * M))[:] )) ) #Matrix notation
#@objective(model,Min, sum(M[i,j] * P[j,i] for i in 1:nsets,j in 1:nshops) + dot(shippingcosts_vec , map(x->min(1,x),(transpose(ones(nshops)) * (oneM * M))[:] )) )
@objective(model,Min, sum(M[i,j] * P[j,i] for i in 1:nsets,j in 1:nshops) + sum(ifelse(sum(M,dims=1)[i] > 0 , shippingcosts_vec[i] , 0) for i = 1:nshops))
@time optimize!(model)