Consider the following model of a simple LP problem:
using JuMP, HiGHS
m = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(m, x1 >= 0)
@variable(m, x2 <= 0)
@objective(m, Max, 2x1-x2)
@constraint(m, c1, 8x1-4x2<=16)
@constraint(m, c2, 3x1-4x2<=12)
#Max 2 x1 - x2
#Subject to
# c1 : 8 x1 - 4 x2 <= 16.0
# c2 : 3 x1 - 4 x2 <= 12.0
# x1 >= 0.0
# x2 <= 0.0
#Running HiGHS 1.4.2 [date: 1970-01-01, git hash: f797c1ab6]
#Copyright (c) 2022 ERGO-Code under MIT licence terms
#Presolving model
#2 rows, 2 cols, 4 nonzeros
#2 rows, 2 cols, 4 nonzeros
#Presolve : Reductions: rows 2(-0); columns 2(-0); elements 4(-0) - Not reduced
#Problem not reduced by presolve: solving the LP
#Using EKK dual simplex solver - serial
# Iteration Objective Infeasibilities num(sum)
# 0 -7.4999893425e-01 Ph1: 2(4.75); Du: 2(0.749999) 0s
# 1 4.0000000000e+00 Pr: 0(0) 0s
#Model status : Optimal
#Simplex iterations: 1
#Objective value : 4.0000000000e+00
#HiGHS run time : 0.02
# 1
println("Objective value: ", JuMP.objective_value(m))
# Objective value: 4.0
#* Solver : HiGHS
#* Status
# Result count : 1
# Termination status : OPTIMAL
# Message from the solver:
# "kHighsModelStatusOptimal"
#* Candidate solution (result #1)
# Primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT
# Dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT
# Objective value : 4.00000e+00
# Objective bound : 4.00000e+00
# Relative gap : Inf
# Dual objective value : 4.00000e+00
#* Work counters
# Solve time (sec) : 1.56868e-02
# Simplex iterations : 1
# Barrier iterations : 0
# Node count : -1
println("x1 = ", JuMP.value(x1))
# x1 = 2.0
println("x2 = ", JuMP.value(x2))
# x2 = 0.0
The JuMP solution shows there was a optimal (understanding global) solution found however if you consider the solution (x1,x2)=(1, -2)
then it satisfies as well the constraints and produces the same objective value of 4, clearly multiple slutions are possible
The JuMP result count is 1 and termination status reports optimality. Is it because I defined the problem as LP and not as MILP, and some computational inacuracies show, that it does not report the multiple solutions?