JuliaMolSim community

Hey everyone! I want to make a plug for the JuliaMolSim community – a home for anyone engaged in molecular and materials modeling in Julia! We maintain some community interface packages (GH) like AtomsBase and AtomsCalculators, are the home for Julia implementations of tools like molecular dynamics and density functional theory, and aim to generally serve as a convener for any Julia users working in this space, whether or not you specifically use our packages!

After a workshop last fall (agenda, partial recording), we’ve also begun having monthly calls on the third Monday at 12:15pm US Eastern, more details on the Events calendar.

Finally, and most exigently, we are also organizing a minisymposium at JuliaCon this summer! Please consider submitting to our track in the CfP, and we hope to see you in Pittsburgh! :bridge_at_night: