Suppose that we have 2 tables, each contains multiple columns. The first table has (id, date, x1, x2, x3) and the second has (id, date, y1, y2, y3). Is it possible to create a new table by selecting columns (id, date, x1, y2, y3) from the 2 original tables and inner joining them on (id, date)?
The reason I am asking this is that this procedure is very convenient in SQL. I wish there is a similar thing in JuliaDB.
This looks good!
In addition, is it possible to apply “where” and “group by” clauses in the join? This would allow us to use filtered tables and calculate group-level statistics. For example, I am looking for a Julia counterpart for the following SQL command:
create table want as
select a.x1, b.y2, b.y3, mean(b.y2) as y2_mean
from t1 (where = (x2 > 0)) as a
left join t2 as b
on = and =
group by
order by id, date