Juliacon21-gpu_workshop kernel abstractions heat diffusion


I am trying to reproduce the Juliacon21-gpu workshop and I am stuck at the last part of kernel abstractions.

I wrote:

@kernel function diffuse_kabs_lmem!(out, @Const(data), a, dt, dx, dy)
    i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
    li, lj = @index(Local, NTuple)
    lmem = @localmem eltype(data) (@groupsize()[1] + 2, @groupsize()[2] + 2)
    @uniform ldata = OffsetArray(lmem, 0:(@groupsize()[1]+1), 0:(@groupsize()[1]+1))
    @inbounds begin
        ldata[li,lj] = data[i,j]
        if li == 1
            ldata[li-1,lj] = data[i-1,j]
        if li == @groupsize()[1]
            ldata[li+1,lj] = data[i+1,j]
        if lj == 1
            ldata[li,lj-1] = data[i,j-1]
        if lj == @groupsize()[2]
            ldata[li,lj+1] = data[i,j+1]

    @inbounds begin
        dij   = ldata[li,lj]
        dim1j = ldata[li-1,lj]
        dijm1 = ldata[li,lj-1]
        dip1j = ldata[li+1,lj]
        dijp1 = ldata[li,lj+1]

        dij += a * dt * (
            (dim1j - 2 * dij + dip1j)/dx^2 +
            (dijm1 - 2 * dij + dijp1)/dy^2)

        out[i,j] = dij

diffusion_kernel_lmem = diffuse_kabs_lmem!(CUDADevice(), (16, 16))

it is a kind of copy-past (the notebook is not available).
And when I run wait(diffusion_kernel_lmem(out, domain, a, dt, dx, dy; ndrange=(N, N))) I get an error. If I try with diffusion_kernel_lmem = diffuse_kabs_lmem!(CPU(), (16, 16)), and define arrays as Array everything works well.

The error seems to be similar to the one obtained in the workshop:

InvalidIRError: compiling kernel gpu_diffuse_kabs_lmem!(Cassette.Context{nametype(CUDACtx), Nothing, Nothing, KernelAbstractions.var"##PassType#257", Nothing, Cassette.DisableHooks}, typeof(gpu_diffuse_kabs_lmem!), KernelAbstractions.CompilerMetadata{KernelAbstractions.NDIteration.DynamicSize, KernelAbstractions.NDIteration.DynamicCheck, Nothing, CartesianIndices{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, KernelAbstractions.NDIteration.NDRange{2, KernelAbstractions.NDIteration.DynamicSize, KernelAbstractions.NDIteration.StaticSize{(16, 16)}, CartesianIndices{2, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, Nothing}}, OffsetMatrix{Float64, CuDeviceMatrix{Float64, 1}}, OffsetMatrix{Float64, CuDeviceMatrix{Float64, 1}}, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) resulted in invalid LLVM IR
Reason: unsupported call to the Julia runtime (call to jl_f_tuple)

Did anyone try to redo the workshop and can help me please ?

Thank you,


Could you post a full MWE?

One issue I found is that @Const doesn’t work if data is an OffsetArray.

using KernelAbstractions
using AMDGPU
using ROCKernels
using OffsetArrays

@kernel function diffuse_kabs_lmem!(out, data, a, dt, dx, dy)
    i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
    li, lj = @index(Local, NTuple)
    lmem = @localmem eltype(data) (@groupsize()[1] + 2, @groupsize()[2] + 2)
    @uniform ldata = OffsetArray(lmem, 0:(@groupsize()[1]+1), 0:(@groupsize()[1]+1))
    @inbounds begin
        ldata[li,lj] = data[i,j]
        if li == 1
            ldata[li-1,lj] = data[i-1,j]
        if li == @groupsize()[1]
            ldata[li+1,lj] = data[i+1,j]
        if lj == 1
            ldata[li,lj-1] = data[i,j-1]
        if lj == @groupsize()[2]
            ldata[li,lj+1] = data[i,j+1]

    @inbounds begin
        dij   = ldata[li,lj]
        dim1j = ldata[li-1,lj]
        dijm1 = ldata[li,lj-1]
        dip1j = ldata[li+1,lj]
        dijp1 = ldata[li,lj+1]

        dij += a * dt * (
            (dim1j - 2 * dij + dip1j)/dx^2 +
            (dijm1 - 2 * dij + dijp1)/dy^2)

        out[i,j] = dij

diffusion_kernel_lmem = diffuse_kabs_lmem!(ROCDevice(), (16, 16))

N = 64

domain = OffsetArray(AMDGPU.zeros(N+2, N+2), 0:(N+1), 0:(N+1))
out = AMDGPU.zeros(N, N)

wait(diffusion_kernel_lmem(out, domain, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01; ndrange=(N,N)))

Works for me using the AMD backend.

Thank you for your quick answer !
It was the problem, it works well now :slight_smile: