There is an interesting tweet-thread about a Swift pattern which should have a corresponding Julia version:
Anyone wants to show a Julia version?
There is an interesting tweet-thread about a Swift pattern which should have a corresponding Julia version:
Anyone wants to show a Julia version?
Here you go:
struct Park end
struct Drive end
struct Game end
struct Car{State}
function switchToDrive(c::Car{Park})
return Car{Drive}(c.engineSystem, c.infotainmentSystem)
Passing Car{Drive}
would be a detectable MethodError
. Note also that this is very far from how actual cars work internally, and using dispatch for this feels very much like a “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” kind of situation. It would be much cleaner to use a proper sum-type for this. The julia version also can’t do data hiding the same way Swift can with its private