Julia v1.4.0-rc1 is now available

How do I pass rng to getindex? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

getindex doesn’t use rng, so you don’t have to? I fear we might be talking past each other.

I have a fix in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/34504.

The Mac version is not running on Catalina because of code signing. Are there any plans to provide that?

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Make the rng a field of the array?

There’s a trick on Catalina for running un-signed Julia (or any other CLI tool, for that matter):

  • (attempt) to run julia from your terminal
  • Dismiss the error dialogs that explain Julia is unsigned and cannot be run
  • Open System Preferences → Security & Privacy
  • Go to the “General” tab…at the bottom there should be a new notice that says something like “Unsigned application Julia attempted to run blah blah blah” with a button that says something like “Launch Anyway”
  • Click that button!

This will tag the Julia binaries as an allowed un-signed binary, so you only have to do it once.


It is a lot easier to just run this:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Julia-1.4.app

But it kind of contradicts a simple drag&drop installer :slight_smile:


I wonder if it would make sense to generate a set of docs for the latest release candidate in a minor version (when applicable, ie before the release) at Julia Documentation · The Julia Language ? Currently we have docs for 1.3.1 and 1.5-DEV (ie master), and while I know that not much is different in 1.4, it would be nice to have it there already from the RC stage (not a lot will change anyway in the docs).


Just a quick question: Can this be used somehow in GitHub workflows already?
I tried Julia 1.4.0 there but it does not seem to exist

Try v1.4.0-rc1

In general, the random stream for a given seed may change in minor releases of Julia, so tests shouldn’t rely on the exact sequence. See document random reproducibility policy by stevengj · Pull Request #33350 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub

If you need a particular sequence of numbers for a test, then save the numbers (e.g. as an array literal in your test program). (Or even create a mock RNG type as suggested above.)


Using an RNG from Random123.jl may also be an option, I think Threefry and Philox at least have fixed behaviour.

I’m seeing CI failing on appveyor failing because Pkg.clone is part of the default test script there and because it was removed as part of the REQUIRE cleanup.

That commit message mentions that is was only there for “legacy CI” but I’m not aware of a newer version of the appveyor configuration. Does anyone have any pointers for me?

I believe it just needs to also look for JuliaProject.toml here: Appveyor.jl/install.ps1 at 6c48cd21bb8679ab0dd9b2934ec890e2113e69e1 · JuliaCI/Appveyor.jl · GitHub

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Oooh good catch! I’ll submit a PR.

Not necessarily. Mersenne Twister hasn’t changed either, but we’ve changed how we use the underlying random stream in some cases, e.g. sprand.


Oh, right!