Julia v1.11.0-rc1 is now available

The Julia developers are pleased to announce that the first release candidate for Julia v1.11.0 is now available. You can download binaries using JuliaUp or from https://julialang.org/downloads/ in the “upcoming release” section. Binaries are available for macOS (M-series and Intel), Windows (32- and 64-bit), glibc Linux (x86, x86_64, AArch64, PowerPC), musl Linux (x86_64), and FreeBSD (x86_64).

As a release candidate, 1.11.0-rc1 should not be considered production-ready. Rather, it’s intended to give users, especially package developers, a chance to try out their code with 1.11.0 prior to a full release. Check out the NEWS file to see what will be new in 1.11.0.

Note that 1.11 on Travis, AppVeyor, and Cirrus now refers to 1.11.0-rc1. On GitHub Actions with setup-julia v2.2.0, pre now refers to 1.11.0-rc1, or use ~1.11.0-0.


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