Hi, I am new to Julia, previously work primarily on VBA, a little C++, Matlab and Python.
This is literally my second Julia Script after Hello World.
I was wondering (and i have searched on google and this forum already) , how do I get the directory of my current script?
I have VSCode installed on Windows 10
I have tried pwd() and base.source_dir() , however both are listing my user’s home directory instead of my script directory
My script is stored under: C:\Users\nelso\Documents\Julia\myscript.jl
When using pdw() or base.source_dir(), Julia returns "C:\Users\nelso"
What do i have to do for Julia to give me "C:\Users\nelso\Documents\Julia"
Expand to a string with the absolute path to the directory of the file containing the macrocall. Return the current working directory if run from a REPL or if evaluated by julia -e <expr> .