Check the comments for what has moved/changed or where I still think there’s improvements to be made.
Click for code!
using Statistics, LinearAlgebra, Random, BenchmarkTools
function chebyshev_basis!(x, B)
B[:,2] .= x
for n in range(3, stop = size(B,2))
@. @views B[:,n] = 2. * x * B[:,n - 1] - B[:,n - 2]
function ridge_regression!(out, X, Y, λ)
# should be possible to also do inplace, somehow
β = (X'X + λ * I) \ (X'Y)
mul!(out, X, β)
function scale!(x)
xmin,xmax = extrema(x)
a = 2. / (xmax - xmin)
b = -0.5 * a * (xmin + xmax)
@. x = a * x + b
function advance!(out, randScratch, S, r, σ, Δt, n)
dB = sqrt(Δt) * randn!(randScratch)
@. out = S + r * S * Δt + σ * S * dB
function compute_price(Spot, σ, K, r, n, m, Δt, order)
S = zeros(n, m + 1)
start_view = view(S,:,1)
randScratch = zeros(n)
for t = 1:m
# we can reuse the views from the last iteration
next_view = view(S, :, t+1)
advance!(next_view, randScratch, start_view, r, σ, Δt, n)
start_view = next_view
discount = exp(-r * Δt)
CFL = max.(0, K .- S)
value = zeros(n, m)
value[:, end] .= view(CFL ,: , size(CFL,2)) .* discount
CV = zeros(n, m)
chebyshev_scratchpad = ones(n, order)
for k = 1:m -1
t = m - k
t_next = t + 1
stmp = view(S, :, t_next)
chebyshev_basis!(stmp, chebyshev_scratchpad)
YY = view(value, :, t_next)
cvview = view(CV, :, t)
ridge_regression!(cvview, chebyshev_scratchpad, YY, 100)
cflview = view(CFL, :, t_next)
for i in axes(value, 1)
value[i, t] = discount * ifelse(cflview[i] > cvview[i], cflview[i], YY[i])
# inlined first_one! by just getting the elements we care about in the first place
@views cflend = CFL[:, 2:end]
POF = zeros(size(CV,2),size(CV,1))
for r in axes(POF,2)
for c in axes(POF,1)
if CV[r,c] < cflend[r,c]
if cflend[r,c] > 0
POF[c,r] = cflend[r,c]
# I feel like there's still some speed left here since POF is big compared to what we care about
m_range = range(0; stop=m-1, step = 1)
dFPOF = @. (POF*exp(-r*m_range*Δt))
PRICE = sum(dFPOF) / n
return PRICE
function run()
Spot = 36.0
σ = 0.2
n = 100000
m = 10
K = 40.0
r = 0.06
T = 1.
Δt = T / m
ε = 1e-2
for order in [5, 10, 25]
t0 = time();
P = compute_price(Spot, σ, K, r, n, m, Δt, order);
dP_dS = (compute_price(Spot + ε, σ, K, r, n, m, Δt, order) - P) / ε;
dP_dσ = (compute_price(Spot, σ + ε, K, r, n, m, Δt, order) - P) / ε;
dP_dK = (compute_price(Spot, σ, K + ε, r, n, m, Δt, order) - P) / ε;
dP_dr = (compute_price(Spot, σ, K, r + ε, n, m, Δt, order) - P) / ε;
t1 = time()
out = (t1 - t0)
println(order, ": ", 1000 * out)
isinteractive() || run()
I feel like this is getting pretty off topic though, so maybe this should be moved to its own thread.