Julia PINN converged but bcs are not fulfilled

Hi everyone,
I am trying to solve a PDE with the julia package Neural.jl.
I have 3 bcs. At two boundarys the pressure has to be zero. The last bsc ist a periodic boundary condition. The pressure at the one side has to be the same as the pressure at the other side.
My final loss is (depending on the training strategie) around 1e-07 for grid-training and 1e-11 for quadraturTraining.
But the periodic bcs is not fullfullid at all. Differences around (0.5 for quadraturTraining and 0.04 for gridtraining.

The code I am using:

using NeuralPDE, Lux, Optimization, OptimizationOptimJL, Plots
import ModelingToolkit: Interval

function main()
    @parameters x y
    @variables p(..)
    Dx = Differential(x)
    Dy = Differential(y)
    Dxx = Differential(x)^2

    # Bearing
    ω = 600.0 # [rad/s]
    D = 18e-03 # [m]
    B = 10e-03
    psi = 3.58e-03
    eta = 6.4e-03
    R = D/2

    C = psi * D/2
    u = sign(ω*D/2);

    p_fak = eta * abs(ω*R) * R/(C^2)
    # 2D PDE+
    eta_nd = 1
    x0 = -1e-05
    y0 = 1e-05
    phi = atan(x0,y0)
    e = sqrt(x0^2 + y0^2)
    H_spalt(x,y) = (C + e*cos(pi/2 + phi + x))/C

    eq = [Dx(H_spalt(x,y)^3/12 * Dx(p(x,y))) + Dy(H_spalt(x,y)^3/12 * Dy(p(x,y))) ~  Dx(H_spalt(x,y))]

    # Boundary conditions
    bcs = [p(x,0)    ~ 0,   # pressure at the left and rigth side
        p(x,B/R)  ~ 0,
        p(0,y) ~ p(2*pi,y)] # periodic boundary condition
    # Space and time domains
    domains = [x ∈ Interval(0.0,2*pi),
            y ∈ Interval(0.0,B/R)]

    # Neural network
    dim = 2 # number of dimensions
    n_neurons = 16
    af = Lux.tanh
    chain = Lux.Chain(Dense(dim,n_neurons,af),

    # Discretization
    nx = 60
    ny = 40
    dx = pi*D/nx/R
    dy = B/(ny-1)/R

    strategy = GridTraining([dx,dy])

    strategy = QuadratureTraining(batch = 2000)
    discretization = PhysicsInformedNN(chain,strategy,
    adaptiv_loss = GradientScaleAdaptiveLoss(1))

    @named pde_system = PDESystem(eq,bcs,domains,[x,y],[p(x, y)])
    prob = discretize(pde_system,discretization)

    opt = OptimizationOptimJL.BFGS()

    #Callback function
    callback = function (p,l)
        println("Current loss is: $l")
        return false

    @time res = 
    Optimization.solve(prob, opt, callback = callback, maxiters=1000)
    phi = discretization.phi

    return domains, res, phi, dx, dy, p_fak

function post_process(domains,res,phi,dx ,dy, p_fak)

    # Bearing
    D = 18e-03 # [m]
    B = 10e-03
    R = D/2

    xs = collect(0:dx:2*pi)
    ys = collect(0:dy:B/R)

    u_predict = zeros(length(xs),length(ys))
    for i = eachindex(xs)
        for j = eachindex(ys)
            u_predict[i,j] = first(phi([xs[i],ys[j]],res.u))*1
            if u_predict[i,j] < 0
                u_predict[i,j] = 0

    p = plot(ys,xs,u_predict,seriestype=:surface, camera=(70, 30),size = (800, 600))

    return u_predict

domains, res, phi, dx, dy, p_fak = main()
u_predict = post_process(domains,res,phi, dx, dy, p_fak)

And the result:
Thanks for your help and a happy new year:)

What happens if you use the constrained mode?

NeuralPDE.jl does not properly support periodic boundary conditions, see this issue. Perhaps this should be made explicit in the documentation.

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Ahh I forgot about that.

Rather than documentation, we should probably throw an error for now.

Thank you boath for your responce. I now did it with an extra loss term.