Julia Makie plot with WCS coordinates

have a specific question regarding the Makie library

In my work, I frequently deal with astronomical images that require the projection of the axes onto the World Coordinate System (WCS) of the map. I am aware that the AstroImages.jl library supports this functionality however, I’m particularly interested in knowing if Makie.jl offers similar capabilities.

Does anyone here have experience with using Makie for astronomical data? If so, could you share insights or examples on how this might be achieved within the Makie ecosystem? I’m looking for guidance on whether Makie can handle such specific astronomical imaging needs and, if so, how to effectively implement it.

Any tips, code snippets, or pointers to relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

The first place to look might be GeoMakie.jl since representing the Earth is similar to representing the celestial sphere.

@Matt_jl , consider watching the following talks:

We are working on the new coordinate system infrastructure to accommodate use cases like yours. The Makie recipes provided should already work with any coordinates, but we are still making things more explicit and performant.