Heres a short overview.
Note: I wrote this on my phone and haven’t been able to test it so there may be some bugs in the sample code.
quote or :( )
Use it for constructing blocks of code.
edit: added missing esc
macro shared_fields()
struct astruct
struct bstruct
Splices in code
macro double_input(fn, x)
# If x is an expression with side effects like `print(b)`
# we don't want to do that twice so we assign it to `z` first.
z = $(x)
$(fn)(z, z)
@double_input div 3
# returns 1
Use it for variables assigned to in macros that you want visible externally
macro setvar(x, y)
$(esc(x)) = $(y)
Allows you to splice in code without interpolating it.
macro print_code(x)
Shouldn’t be used in macros or functions for the most part. It can be however useful to use at top level if you have a large number of similar functions to define.
struct MyType
for op in [:(+), :(-), :(*), :(/)]
@eval Base.$(op)(x::MyType, y::MyType) = MyType($(op)(x.x, y.x))
ERROR: syntax: field name "Main.field1" is not a symbol around REPL[2]:1
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
I was using eval for something similar, but it seems that if a macro could be used for that, it would be better. What is the best way to share fields between structs?
I just realized there was actually a mistake in that section of the documentation that I linked to so I edited my comment to use the 1.6-dev docs that have fixed the mistake. @lmiq , you may want to use the updated link so it makes more sense.
I think these contents are actually very useful for anyone who wants to understand the julia macros.
Don’t you guys think we should collect the resources at the end of the ?
And by time someone will definitely group these information and provide some extension to the understanding of the topic?
I thought many times that we should have a “Julia by examples” docs, built from community experiences. To be sincere, I have read many times the docs as they are, for example this metaprogramming section, and I have a hard time understanding what those things are for. I am not a computer scientist, and most times I only get the idea of what the experts are trying to explain after seeing a few examples of the functions in different contexts. After I understand how things work, when I read the docs again, I find that they are most of the time perfectly written, but a dedicated docs only for examples would be a great addition. This is how we do for plots, isn’t it?
On the other hand, perhaps the search history of this same discourse is going to achieve that goal.
I think the manual, and particularly that section, would benefit a lot from more examples, practical tips, common use cases, pitfalls.
Incremental additions are great, but I hope one of these days someone knowledgeable about Julia’s metaprogramming will sit down and do a major rewrite. I used Common Lisp macros extensively for years, but I still think of Julia’s macros as a minefield.