Julia in IntelliJ, using language server

A colleague of mine recently tried out using IntelliJ IDEA’s LSP4JL plugin and the Julia LanguageServer.jl package, and discovered it works pretty well. I tried it too and had pretty good results.

It works far better, for example, than the IntelliJ Julia plugin https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10413-julia/reviews , which seems to be long-abandoned and completely broken.

To configure, install LanguageServer.jl in your global environment (unless you prefer it somewhere else), and add these configurations to IntelliJ:

I haven’t yet pushed it very far to see what integration points this enables, but editing works pretty well, and command-click navigation does too. For a REPL I’ve just executed julia in a shell window, which works fine.

I’d love to find out if other people are successfully using this setup, whether I’ve missed any functionality, and/or whether further integration is likely to happen!


For example: I’d love to find a way to highlight a chunk of code and get it executed in the current REPL. I haven’t found a command for that yet.

It is nice that one get Julia to run in IDEA. But: IDEA is a paid product. (Might be worth to just state it here, as it may be a dealbreaker for some.)

IDEA is not always a paid product. The full “Ultimate” platform is free for open-source projects, and also for students and teachers, among other scenarios. Details here.

There is also the free and open-source Community Edition, which is the same product with a smaller set of features. The LSP4JL plugin I mentioned indicates that it’s compatible with the Community Edition.

That said, I’m personally a paying user, just because I find it to be worth the money. I would love to use the same setup for Julia as I use for other languages, and subjectively I just don’t enjoy using VS Code very much either. Maybe I’d get used to it after a couple years, but I don’t really want to put that time in. At this point in my career I’m happy with the combination of IDEA and Emacs.

I definitely do understand that people can have strongly held opinions on the tools they choose (or choose not) to use - for some people that’s cost, or open-source-ness, or anti-capitalism, or ergonomics, or just personal inertia, etc. etc. etc. and I think that’s all very legitimate. Really, that’s why I’ve been surprised that the Julia community really only “supports” VS Code; from my point of view it would be awesome to extend that more widely, but I’ve assumed that the main reason is simply lack of resources to do so?


I discovered your thread and I am glad that lsp4ij can help you.

Do you think you could create a pr to provide your julia ls config likehttps://github.com/redhat-developer/lsp4ij/tree/main/src%2Fmain%2Fresources%2Ftemplates

Please note that lsp4ij 0.10.0 will provide dap support lsp4ij/docs/dap/DAP.md at main · redhat-developer/lsp4ij · GitHub perhaps you could try it to configure juila dap and enjoy with julia debugging inside intellij?

If you want to try this dap support for now you can install GitHub - redhat-developer/lsp4ij: LSP Client for IntelliJ

LSP4IJ 0.10.0 has been released, it provides

This DAP support is a new feature, any feedback are welcome!