Julia for real time, worried about the garbage collector

That may be, but I don’t think that Julia was designed for hard real time. Well-optimized Julia code may be suitable for what is called “soft” or “near” real-time, but hard RTC is currently beyond the scope of the language, and I don’t think it is achievable without breaking or restricting Julia so much that it will be a different language.

Julia was not designed for this market at all. In a sense, it targets the opposite end of the spectrum: interactive or batch scientific computing, where expressiveness, code reusability, quick prototyping and optimizing on demand are valued, and GC considered a very convenient feature.

Languages for RTC come with specific guarantees, but are much less fun to program in. If you really need hard RTC, Julia may not be the best choice for the final application, but perhaps it can be useful for prototyping algorithms.