The setup at my company is less complex and correspondingly less ambitious in most, but not all, aspects.
- Packages
Normally one per GitLab project (i.e. repository). Some projects contain dual Julia and Python packages, making use of the Pkg subdir functionality to point to the julia
subdirectory. One project contains three closely related Julia packages.
If you have existing packages in git repositories elsewhere they are easily imported to GitLab. All git services have excellent instructions for how to import git repositories from anywhere else.
- Testing
We run tests for all new commits (including merge requests and after merging to master) but no periodical tests of unchanged code. All tests are run in docker containers, either built from a Dockerfile in the repository or using a stock docker image from a common CI project. The typical test job is
test julia:
stage: test
- julia --project=julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test()'
(This is an example from a dual package, so the Julia package is in the julia
directory. The docker image is implicit from a default
- Documentation
Most packages are documented by the README
and additional markdown files in the repository. Some projects use an in-house documentation system which converts markdown files and various data sources to PDF files. This is just another CI job and the built PDFs are exported as CI artifacts.
- Registry
The registry is just another repository. If you already have one on disk you can import to GitLab like any other repository. You should only need to update the repo
field in the Package.toml
for each package.
CI runs for all commits and basically consists of calling RegistryCI.test
- Registration
All julia packages use a common registration job, included from the common CI project, like this:
- julia registration
project: $ci_project
- templates/julia_package_registration.yml
julia_package_dir: julia
The template is somewhat complex:
Registry: https://project_71_bot:$JULIA_REGISTRATOR_TOKEN@$URL_TO_REGISTRY
julia_package_dir: .
package_repo_git_url: "git@$GITLAB_URL:$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git"
julia package registration:
stage: julia registration
- master
- git config --global $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("LocalRegistry")'
- cd $julia_package_dir
- julia -e "using LocalRegistry; register(registry = \"$Registry\", repo = \"$package_repo_git_url\", create_gitlab_mr = true, ignore_reregistration = true)"
This uses an access token (the project_71_bot:$JULIA_REGISTRATOR_TOKEN
stuff) to obtain credentials for the registry project and is run on every commit to master (but not on merge requests). If the version number has not been bumped, the LocalRegistry.register
call won’t do anything. Merge requests for the registry are created by the create_gitlab_mr
option and as soon as the registry CI job has passed they are automatically merged and immediately available.
- Package Server
Packages are distributed using an in-house package server driven by the LocalPackageServer package. This means that the users have to set the environment variable JULIA_PKG_SERVER
to point to this package server but they don’t have to add the company registry by URL, and they don’t need to have or bother with credentials for the GitLab server.