Julia and Concurrency

Hey @fraxx001, I don’t have much knowledge on the current development of concurrency in Julia. But I’ll share what I do know and hopefully someone can add to this.

About 10 months ago some of the creators of the Julia Language did a reddit ama where Stefan Karpinski gave the following comment on the future of parallelism in Julia:

Julia already has OpenMP-style for loop multithreading, but we’re nearly ready to merge a pull request that implements M:N mapping of tasks onto hardware threads, which will make Julia’s threading system similar to Go’s but tuned for extreme computational performance rather than for writing concurrent servers (although you can do that as well). As we see the number of cores on CPUs go up and the amount of memory per core go down, this will increasingly be a huge competitive advantage over other dynamic languages that don’t have any plausble answer to multithreading.

You can start with the hyperlinked pull request above and look around to see the progress. However, I haven’t seen a more official update on the state of concurrency in Julia.