Julia 1.9 vs 1.10 incompatibility

This message comes up in 1.10 (1.9 is silent). the complaint is about a method from one module being overwritten in another.

WARNING: Method definition inspectintegpoints(FEMM, FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, IT} where IT<:Integer, FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, IT} where IT<:Integer, FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, IT} where IT<:Integer, Any, F, Any) where {FEMM<:(FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.FEMMBase{ID} where ID<:(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{S, F, IR} where IR<:FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.AbstractIntegRule where F<:Function where S<:(FinEtools.FESetModule.AbstractFESet{NODESPERELEM} where NODESPERELEM))), F<:Function}
in module mffip1 
at C:\Users\pkonl\Documents\00WIP\FinEtools.jl\test\test_miscellaneous.jl:2628 
overwritten in module meffip1 at C:\Users\pkonl\Documents\00WIP\FinEtools.jl\test\test_miscellaneous.jl:2709.     

Is that a new thing with 1.10?

The warning is new but the problem also existed in prior versions, Julia just wasn’t telling you about it.


NB: overwriting a method from the same module still does not result in a warning by default. To turn on warnings for all overwritten methods use --warn-overwrite=yes as before: Command-line Interface · The Julia Language