Before it used to return an Array. I wonder what is the reason for this change ?
Do we have to do something in our existing codes to account for this change ?
Before it used to return an Array. I wonder what is the reason for this change ?
Do we have to do something in our existing codes to account for this change ?
The return type hasn’t changed, this was purely a printing change. Matrix{T}
is just an alias for Array{T, 2}
You can see what Simeon says for yourself:
julia> Matrix{Float64} == Array{Float64, 2}
the same holds for
julia> Vector{Float64} == Array{Float64, 1}
Actually, since version 1.6 Julia explicitly tells you that Matrix
is just an alias:
julia> Matrix{Float64}
Matrix{Float64} (alias for Array{Float64, 2})