Julia 1.6 precompiling project, dependency skipped due to previous error - which one?

The auto-precompilation that happens after pkg> add/up etc. tries to be quieter about package errors because during Pkg operations you may only care about a subset of packages in your environment.

For that reason auto-precompilation does two things:

  1. Only warns that packages have errored, and doesn’t show the full stack trace. (That warning comes with guidance to run precompile manually, or load the package)
  2. Remembers if packages have errored in previous Pkg precompile attempts and skips them, just showing the 1 skipped during auto due to previous errors type of message.

Explicitly calling pkg> precompile retries precompilation on all packages, and will show the full error messages.

And of course packages can just be loaded via using/import to hit the classical precompile process and error handling.