I would like to know what is the best method to join two DataFrames of different size but making one of the variables coincident. Here is an example:
using DataFrames
df11 = DataFrame(time = 0:5:30, num = 1, value1 = rand(7), value2 = rand(7))
df12 = DataFrame(time = 0:5:30, num = 2, value1 = rand(7), value2 = rand(7))
df1 = vcat(df11,df12)
df2 = DataFrame(time = 10:5:25, num = 1, value3 = rand(4))
I would like to outerjoin or leftjoin df1
and df2 with :time but only when in df1 num = 1
now if I do it I can not join them because there are duplicate variable names. makeunique = true does not help to my objective and if i delete the row num the values are assigned to all values of time that coincide.
The idea would be that highlighted values show also missing