JLL library: how to use boost_jll

I thought CxxWrap.jl just works?! And only good option now (other than calling indirectly to C++ through e.g. Python (there’s a thread on that), or using extern C in C++).

It’s of course not Julia’s responsibility to support C++, and I think you know that, nor clear you meant that.

I haven’t looked into what your issue is with CxxWrap.jl, it should work in 1.6.x. Julia 1.7 is of course not released yet (while very close), can you check if 1.6 works in case 1.7 breaks it (I don’t think it should, also unclear to me it could).

Cxx.jl used to work in supported Julia versions (you could try e.g. Julia 1.3 with it, it would just be informative). In that case Julia could and in a sense did break the package (strictly its updated LLVM dependency did it):

I’m also intrigued about this new (to me) sorting algorithm in Boost, you might like to know of other interesting, seemingly to me best: