It is so nice to program in a sane language!

It think this would be best handled by a literal macro, eg


Perhaps a package is the best place to experiment with the semantics.


With some help

Base.:(+)(::typeof([ ]), ::typeof([ ])) = nothing
Base.:(+)(::typeof([ ]), ::typeof(())) = ["object" "Object"]
Base.:(+)(::typeof(()), ::typeof([])) = 0
Base.:(+)(::typeof(()), ::typeof(())) = NaN

we can get:

julia> [] + []

julia> [] + ()
1×2 Array{String,2}:
 "object"  "Object"

julia> () + []

julia> () + ()

This is good for experimenting. But this issue is something you are likely to stumble into. If you are aware enough to use a literal macro, it’s probably not an problem anyway.

Could a linter catch this?

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Yes, a linter would be great for this too.

You are right that this is one of the problems people newbies stumble into, but Julia made a decision very early not to be clever about this.

It is tempting to expect the parser to figure out the “right” type of numeric values behind the scenes, but I imagine that would (1) either have no effect (for non-broadened values), (2) make code slower beause the parser decided that BigFloat or BigInt is the right type and propagate that.

A lot of examples in this topic demonstrate gotchas that even relatively experienced users stumble into. I don’t think that integer arithmetic is one of those though, it is just part of the language design.


I’m too curious now given the above examples. Can someone explain in the following:


produces 200.0f0?

2f2 is parsed as a Float32 literal for 2 * 10^2, which equals 200.0. This happens before any variables are checked for values.

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ah, of course. thanks.

I ran into this recently - my reason for not doing the latter was that my exponent was stored in a variable (and x=30; 1.0ex) doesn’t work.

Edit: I don’t have a good suggestion to your first question though :woman_shrugging:

I think that’s an actual calculation, not a question of type widening for literals. See eg exp10.

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Yes, I ended up going with exp10, just offering another reason one might try eg 1.0*10^x and get bit. I’m not arguing for a change to the language though - all the design choices around this seem reasonable to me.

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I run in a similar issue, took a while to isolate this MEW from my code:
Seems like one has to copy all varaibles first before using them like this.

function ou(au::Number;logspaced::Bool=false)
    if logspaced
        transform = (x)->(10.0^x*sign(au))
        au = log10(abs(au)) # commenting this line makes the example work as expected,.
        transform = (x) ->identity(x)
    return transform

uu(21,logspaced=false)(42) # ->42  ✓
ou(23,logspaced=true)(42)  # ->1e42  ✓
ou(-21,logspaced=false)(42) # 42 ✓
ou(-21,logspaced=true)(42) # 1e42  𝙓   -1e42 expected
ou(1,logspaced=true)(42) # 0 𝙓   1e42 expected