Hello !
I just began an internship and was given the following code made by a person that left the company :
using Pkg
using CSV
using MAT
using ProgressBars
using HDF5
using LightXML
using Mmap
using Distributions
using Interpolations
using DataFrames
using TFRecord
# A small julia script to extract very efficiently
# spikes times and align them with a nnBehavior matrix.
# The results is stored in a CSV folder.
# The script should be launched with the following arguments, in order:
# the path to the xml file
# the path to the dat file
# the path to the nnBehavior.mat file
# the path at which the output csv file will be written
# the path to the dataset where we will write the awake spike
# the path to the dataset where we will write the sleeping spike
# e.g:
# xmlPath = "~/dataTest/Mouse-M1199-1304/continuous.xml"
# datPath = "~/dataTest/Mouse-M1199-1304/continuous.dat"
# behavePath = "~/dataTest/Mouse-M1199-1304/nnBehavior.mat"
# fileName = "~/dataTest/Mouse-M1199-1304/test_spikeJulia.csv"
xmlPath = ARGS[2]
datPath = ARGS[3]
behavePath = ARGS[4]
fileName = ARGS[5]
thresholdsFileName = replace(fileName,"spikeData_fromJulia"=>"thresholds_Julia")
datasetName = ARGS[6]
datasetNameSleep = ARGS[7]
BUFFERSIZE = parse(Int64,ARGS[8])
WINDOWSIZE = parse(Float32,ARGS[9])
WINDOWSTRIDE = parse(Float32,ARGS[10])
using CodecZlib
using BufferedStreams
#we modify the TFrecord so it Effectively appends
function TFRecord.write(s::AbstractString, x;compression=nothing, bufsize=1024*1024)
io = BufferedOutputStream(open(s, "a"), bufsize)
if compression == :gzip
io = GzipCompressorStream(io)
elseif compression == :zlib
io = ZlibCompressorStream(io)
isnothing(compression) || throw(ArgumentError("unsupported compression method: $compression"))
TFRecord.write(io, x)
function isInEpochs(time,epochs)
# for an epochs array in the format [[start,end,start,end,....]]
# verify if time is in any of these epochs:
if size(epochs,1)>0
return map(t->sum((t.>=epochs[1:2:end-1,1]).*(t.<epochs[2:2:end,1]))>0,time)
return map(t->false,time)
function extract_spike_with_buffer(xmlPath,datPath,behavePath,fileName,datasetName,datasetNameSleep,BUFFERSIZE,WINDOWSIZE)
#Read the xml file:
xdoc = parse_file(xmlPath)
xroot = root(xdoc)
acquiSystem = xroot["acquisitionSystem"]
nbits = parse(Float16,content(acquiSystem[1]["nBits"][1]))
Nchannel = parse(Float16,content(acquiSystem[1]["nChannels"][1]))
samplingRate = parse(Float16,content(acquiSystem[1]["samplingRate"][1]))
spd = xroot["spikeDetection"]
groupList = spd[1]["channelGroups"][1]["group"]
pint =s-> parse(Int64,s)
#We need to add 1 to all channels because they are indexed starting at 0!!
list_channels = map(s->pint.(map(c->content(c),s["channels"][1]["channel"])).+1,groupList)
println("Number of bits: ",nbits)
println("Number of channel: ",Nchannel)
println("Sampling rate: ",samplingRate)
println("List of channels for each group: " ,list_channels)
println("Window size: " ,string(WINDOWSIZE*1000))
file = open(datPath)
#memory-map the file:
mmapFile = Mmap.mmap(file,Matrix{Int16},(Int(Nchannel),Int(filesize(file)/(2.0*Nchannel))))
mmapFile = transpose(mmapFile)
channel_focus = vcat(list_channels...)
# first we will associate each spike to a measurement of environmental feature
# and the time at which it was measured
behaveMat = h5open(behavePath)
position_time = behaveMat["behavior"]["position_time"][:,:]
speed = behaveMat["behavior"]["speed"][:,:]
positions = behaveMat["behavior"]["positions"][:,:]
sleepPeriods =[]
# sleepPeriods = vcat(behaveMat["behavior"]["sleepPeriods"][:]...)
# sleepPeriods = reshape(sleepPeriods,(size(sleepPeriods,1),1))
sleepPeriods = behaveMat["behavior"]["sleepPeriods"][:,:]
sleepPeriods = reshape(sleepPeriods,(size(sleepPeriods,2),1))
println("Detected sleep periods in nnBehavior.mat")
println("No sleep periods detected in nnBehavior.mat, saving all spikes in the position_time limit in the same dataset")
sleepPeriods =[]
maxpos = maximum(positions)
nodes = (position_time[:,1],)
nodes_index = float.(1:1:size(position_time,1))
itp = interpolate(nodes, nodes_index, (Gridded(Constant())))
nGroups = size(list_channels,1)
print("subtracting the low pass (fc=350Hz) filtered voltage to itself ")
buffer_mmap = zeros(Float32,BUFFERSIZE+15+16,size(mmapFile,2))
#15 at the beginning to complete early spikes of the buffer
#16 at the end to complete final spike of the buffer
state = zeros(Float32,size(channel_focus,1))
old_possibleSpike_sum = map(id->zeros(Int64,14),1:1:nGroups)
α = Float32(exp(-2π*350.0/samplingRate))
β = Float32(1-α)
thresholds = [zeros(Float32,(1,size(l,1))) for l in list_channels]
feats = [] #list storing all spikes fromatted as Dict for tensorflow
lastBuffIndex = (size(mmapFile,1)%BUFFERSIZE==0) ? (size(mmapFile,1)÷BUFFERSIZE) : (size(mmapFile,1)÷BUFFERSIZE)+1
for idBuff in ProgressBar(1:1:lastBuffIndex)
# we should begin at spikes which timing are above the first position measure:
possibleTime_spike = collect(float.(1+(idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE:1:min(size(mmapFile,1),BUFFERSIZE*idBuff))./samplingRate)
# we need to be careful with the last buffer, which might contain less elements
posindexOfSpikes = zeros(Int64,size(possibleTime_spike,1)) #of size BUFFERSIZE or, for the last buffer, less
if position_time[1,1]>possibleTime_spike[end]
# no position should be saved:
posindexOfSpikes .= -1
elseif position_time[end,1]<possibleTime_spike[1]
# no position should be saved:
posindexOfSpikes .= -1
elseif position_time[1,1]>=possibleTime_spike[1]
# the buffer spreads over the min limit of position
minTest = possibleTime_spike.-position_time[1,1]
minTest[minTest.<0] .= Inf
spikeMin = argmin(abs.(minTest))
if position_time[end,1]>possibleTime_spike[end]
nodeTest = (possibleTime_spike[spikeMin:end],)
spikePosIndex = itp.(nodeTest)
posindexOfSpikes[1:spikeMin-1] .= -1
posindexOfSpikes[spikeMin:end] .= spikePosIndex[1]
maxTest = position_time[end,1].-possibleTime_spike
maxTest[maxTest.<0] .= Inf
spikeMax = argmin(abs.(maxTest))
nodeTest = (possibleTime_spike[spikeMin:spikeMax],)
spikePosIndex = itp.(nodeTest)
posindexOfSpikes[1:spikeMin-1] .= -1
posindexOfSpikes[spikeMin:spikeMax] .= spikePosIndex[1]
posindexOfSpikes[spikeMax+1:end] .= -1
elseif position_time[1,1]<possibleTime_spike[1]
if position_time[end,1]<=possibleTime_spike[end]
# the buffer spreads over the max limit of position
maxTest = position_time[end,1].-possibleTime_spike
maxTest[maxTest.<0] .= Inf
spikeMax = argmin(abs.(maxTest))
nodeTest = (possibleTime_spike[1:spikeMax],)
spikePosIndex = itp.(nodeTest)
posindexOfSpikes[1:spikeMax] .= spikePosIndex[1]
posindexOfSpikes[spikeMax+1:end] .= -1
# the buffer is included inside the max and the min limit of position
nodeTest = (possibleTime_spike[1:end],)
spikePosIndex = itp.(nodeTest)
posindexOfSpikes .= spikePosIndex[1]
#finally, we assign to each time step that belongs to a sleep period a posindex of -2
# as referenced by the sleepEpcohs in nnBehavior.mat
# which consists of an array [start,end,start,end,....] of sleep epochs
# Note: for future purpose (decoding of other env feature present in sleep)
# or decoding of feature found in the neurons activity this might not be the best
# way to go. Notably if we want to train during sleep!
posindexOfSpikes[isInEpochs(possibleTime_spike,sleepPeriods)] .= -2
# first buffer: 15 first time step are set at 0
# other buffers: we already have filtered the end of the previous buffer (15 time steps) and beginning of the buffer (16 time steps)
startid = idBuff == 1 ? 15 + 1 : 15+16+1
#take care of last buffer:
lastid = idBuff*BUFFERSIZE+16 > size(mmapFile,1) ? (size(mmapFile,1) - (idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE-1-16) + startid : size(buffer_mmap,1)
buffer_mmap[startid:lastid,:] = idBuff == 1 ? mmapFile[1:min(BUFFERSIZE+16,size(mmapFile,1)),:].*0.195 : mmapFile[(idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE+16+1:min(idBuff*BUFFERSIZE+16,size(mmapFile,1)),:].*0.195
#apply the low pass filter on the mmapFile:
for id in (startid:1:size(buffer_mmap,1))
temp = buffer_mmap[id,channel_focus] .- state
state = α*state .+ β*buffer_mmap[id,channel_focus]
buffer_mmap[id,channel_focus] .= temp
#Note: to reduce the memory footprint we decide to round the filtering result to the upper integer
# 16/6/2021: modified by adding a temporal variable as in Intan filter.
# print("applying spike thresholds")
sidThresh = idBuff == 1 ? 1 : (15+1) #start index to look for new spikes
#thresholds are computed for each channel in each group....
possileSpike = map(id->zeros(Int64,BUFFERSIZE),1:1:size(list_channels,1))
possibleSpike_sum = map(id->zeros(Int64,BUFFERSIZE),1:1:size(list_channels,1))
noPreviousSpike = map(id->zeros(Int64,BUFFERSIZE),1:1:size(list_channels,1))
#note: changed to see the effect of a varying threshold:
#if idBuff == 1
# for tppl in enumerate(list_channels)
# id,l = tppl
# thresholds[id] .= 3*std(buffer_mmap[sidThresh:end-16,l],dims=1)
# end
thresholds = map(l->3*std(buffer_mmap[sidThresh:end-16,l],dims=1),list_channels)
dicThresholds = Dict()
map(i -> dicThresholds[i]=thresholds[i],1:1:size(thresholds,1))
CSV.write(thresholdsFileName,dicThresholds ,append=true)
map(id->noPreviousSpike[id][1:end] .= prod(buffer_mmap[sidThresh:sidThresh+BUFFERSIZE-1,list_channels[id]] .>= -thresholds[id], dims=2)[:,1],1:1:size(list_channels,1))
map(id->possileSpike[id][1:end] .= sum(buffer_mmap[sidThresh:sidThresh+BUFFERSIZE-1,list_channels[id]] .< -thresholds[id], dims=2)[:,1],1:1:size(list_channels,1))
map(id->possibleSpike_sum[id][2:end] .= noPreviousSpike[id][1:end-1].*possileSpike[id][2:end],1:1:size(list_channels,1))
#note: still work for the last buffer: the buffer_mmap is initialized at 0, so unless thresholds are at 0, which will never be the case
# we obtain possileSpike =0 for the time step beyond the end of the last buffer, and will therefore have no influence
# to the rest of the algo.
#special case of first value of the buffer:
if idBuff>1
map(id->possibleSpike_sum[id][1] = possileSpike[id][sidThresh],1:1:size(list_channels,1))
#so we have to save noPreviousSpike and garbage collect it correctly too.
#for the first buffer we don't have previous voltage measure so we accept to use the spike as is.
map(id->possibleSpike_sum[id][1] = possileSpike[id][1],1:1:size(list_channels,1))
#finally we need to check if there was a spike in the 14 last bin of the previous possibleSpike_sum buffer...
for index_before in 1:1:14
for i in 1:1:nGroups
if old_possibleSpike_sum[i][index_before] >0
possibleSpike_sum[i][1:index_before] .= 0
spikesFound = []
for index in 1:1:BUFFERSIZE #
time = float(index+(idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE)/samplingRate
for i in 1:1:nGroups
if possibleSpike_sum[i][index] >0 && (index+(idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE<=size(mmapFile,1)-16) #forbid too late spike because we would miss the info to capture waveform
# lastBestTime[i] = findtime(position_time,lastBestTime[i],time)
# posiiton_index = lastBestTime[i]
posiiton_index = posindexOfSpikes[index]
#time, group, spike_index, position_index
# forbid other spikes in other channels of the group for 14 time-steps.
possibleSpike_sum[i][index:min(index+14,size(possibleSpike_sum[i],1))] .= 0
spikesBehaveFound =[]
spikesSleepFound =[]
#write last batch of spikes:
if size(spikesFound,1)>0
spikesFound = transpose(reduce(hcat,spikesFound))
header=["t", "group", "spike_id","pos_id"])
#indicate that the last spikes were saved and can be used to forbid early spikes in the next buffer
map(id->old_possibleSpike_sum[id] .= possibleSpike_sum[id][end-13:end],1:1:nGroups)
#saving as a tensorflow tf.rec:
window_length = WINDOWSIZE
function stack_spikes(spIndex,g)
if size(spIndex,1) ==0
return zeros((0,size(list_channels[g],1),32))
spIndex = spIndex .- (idBuff-1)*BUFFERSIZE .+15 #correct to set at the right position in the buffer
catspike = cat(map(s->buffer_mmap[Int(s)-15:Int(s)+16,list_channels[g]],spIndex)...,dims=3)
# Julia and python do not ravel a tensor similarly,
# For Julia, it progressively increases index from left to right gathering: [A[1,1,1],A[2,1,1],A[1,2,1],A[2,2,1],...]
# Whereas Python starts from the end.
# So that python reshape our array we thus store it by raveling from [32timsStepVoltageMeasure,NChannel,NspikesIn36msWindow]
# And it will be read as [NspikesIn36msWindow,NChannel,32timsStepVoltageMeasure] in python!
# So we don't permutedims!
return catspike
inBehaveEpoch = spikesFound[:,4] .> -1
spikesBehaveFound = spikesFound[inBehaveEpoch,:]
inSleepEpoch = spikesFound[:,4] .== -2
spikesSleepFound = spikesFound[inSleepEpoch,:]
function saveSpikesFound(spikesFound)
feats = []
if size(spikesFound,1)>0 #if there is any spike to extract:
#🔥 : the group will be indexed from 0 to nGroups-1 in python
# so we need to do the same in Julia
#Let us find the start of windows aligned on the first spike of windows of length window_stride (36ms)
currentFirstSpikeTime = spikesFound[1,1]
currentFirstSpikeId = 1
startWind = []
for i in 1:1:size(spikesFound,1)
if (spikesFound[i,1]>currentFirstSpikeTime+WINDOWSTRIDE) # we find the beginning of the next window
currentFirstSpikeId = i
currentFirstSpikeTime = spikesFound[i,1]
# println("unfinished 36 ms window at buffer limit")
#For each of these start we find the stopindex =(last spike id)+1 which is less than window_length from the starting spike
stopWind = []
currentWindow = 1
lastSpikeId = size(spikesFound,1)
for i in 1:1:size(spikesFound,1)
if (spikesFound[i,1]>spikesFound[startWind[currentWindow],1]+window_length) # we find the beginning of the next window
currentWindow= currentWindow + 1
# Account for situations when WINDOWSIZE > WINDOWSTRIDE (late windows in the buffer are shorter)
while (size(stopWind,1)!=size(startWind,1))
currentWindow= currentWindow + 1
# println("unfinished longer window at buffer limit")
for i in 1:1:size(stopWind,1)
startindex = startWind[i]
lastindex = stopWind[i]
spikeIndex = [spikesFound[startindex:lastindex-1,3][spikesFound[startindex:lastindex-1,2].==g] for g in 1:1:nGroups]
spikes = [stack_spikes(spikeIndex[g],g) for g in 1:1:nGroups]
# save into tensorflow the spike window:
if spikesFound[lastindex-1,4] == -2
feat = Dict(
"pos_index" => [-2],
"pos" => Float32.([0,0]),
"length" =>[lastindex-startindex],
"groups" => Int.(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1),2] .-1),
"time" => [Float32.(mean(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1), 1]))],
"indexInDat" => Int.(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1),3] .-1)
feat = Dict(
"pos_index" => [Int(spikesFound[lastindex-1,4])-1],
"pos" => Float32.(positions[Int(spikesFound[lastindex-1,4]),:]/maxpos),
"length" =>[lastindex-startindex],
"groups" => Int.(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1),2] .-1),
"time" => [Float32.(mean(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1), 1]))],
"indexInDat" => Int.(spikesFound[startindex:(lastindex-1),3] .-1)
# Pierre: convert the spikes dic into a tf.train.Feature, used for the tensorflow protocol.
# their is no reason to change the key name but still done here.
for g in 1:1:nGroups
feat[string("group",g-1)] = Array{Float32}(vcat(spikes[g]...).*0.195)
return feats
feats = saveSpikesFound(spikesBehaveFound)
if size(feats,1)>0
feats = saveSpikesFound(spikesSleepFound)
if size(feats,1)>0
buffer_end = buffer_mmap[end-15-16+1:end]
#save the end of the buffer mmap as we will use it again
#without filtering it once more.
buffer_mmap = zeros(Float32,1) #before: Int16
feats = []
GC.gc() #garbage collect the buffer as well as the feat dictionaries and all other arrays
buffer_mmap = zeros(Float32,BUFFERSIZE+15+16,size(mmapFile,2))
buffer_mmap[1:31] .= buffer_end
The problem is that I get the following error message :
Does anyone know how I could fix the problem ? I tried updating all the julia packages and reinstalling the CSV package but it didn’t work.