I’m trying to parse a parameter file with julia. I have lines of commentary that I would like not to process . I tried :
lines = readlines(file)
for line in lines
if sizeof(line)>0
nomParametre = replace(string(line[1])," "=>"")
if findfirst(nomParametre,"#")==nothing
valeurParametre = string(line[2])
When I run this code I’m getting :
SubString{String}["# parametres "]
ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Array{SubString{String},1} at index [2]
The main question is : Why the findfirst function return nothing on String “# parametres” ?
The second question is : Do I need to convert my substring in string like I m doing ? It seems totally illogical to me that substring does not have the same members as string
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your answer but you missunderstood my question.
I know that the line “# parametres” doesn’t have a tab that is why I have the line
if findfirst(nomParametre,“#”)==nothing
to avoid calling string(line[2]) on this line
My question is to know why the findfirst(nomParametre,“#”) returns “nothing”
When I write “findfirst(“blabla#”,”#") it works and does not return nothing but it does on my string “nomParametre” which contains a “#”
Check the help text for findfirst – pattern is the first argument:
help?> findfirst("#", "#parametre")
findfirst(pattern::AbstractString, string::AbstractString)
findfirst(pattern::AbstractPattern, string::String)
Find the first occurrence of pattern in string. Equivalent to findnext(pattern, string, firstindex(s)).
julia> findfirst("z", "Hello to the world") # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL
julia> findfirst("Julia", "JuliaLang")
julia> findfirst("#", "#parametre")