I’m confused about the support that CUDA.jl has for isbits unions:
# Unions of two work fine:
map(x->1, CuVector([1,missing]));
map(x->1, CuVector([1,nothing]));
# It is possible to move unions of three to the GPU memory
# But compiling a GPU kernel fails...
map(x->1, CuVector([1,missing,nothing]));
# unsupported dynamic function invocation (call to arrayref_union(A::CuDeviceArray{T, AS, A} where A, index::Integer) where {T, AS} in CUDA)
# The restriction seems to be on the size of the type union,
# not on the size of the isbits array elements
# for example, this works fine:
struct Big
map(x->1, CuVector([Big(1,true,2,0.5), Big(2,false,3,0.2), missing]));
When I want CUDA.jl to work with a union of >2 things, the best solution is to make a custom overarching isbits struct where I manually add type selector bytes?