So, my question is pretty straight-forward (and right there entirely in the title), but to give a bit of background/justification…
I realize that the function foo(bar::Baz{T}) where T syntax is relatively new, and so some of my discomfort with it could be chalked-up to unfamiliarity, but even after some months I still think that function foo(bar::Baz{T}) where T <: Any reads better. Before I start trying out that style in my own code, I thought I’d just toss this simple question out there: are those equivalent in all cases? I know that conceptually they should be the same, and they are in every case I could think to test, but maybe I’m missing something?
It’s odd. I would have assumed the answer is “no”, because I can have a type parameter which is not a type (for example, in Array{Int, 1}, 1 is an Int, not a type, and 1 <: Any is not true (in fact it’s nonsensical). However, Julia does consider it a match for Array{Int, N} where {N <: Any} as well as Array{Int, N} where N:
defaults to T<:Any.
I believe either style is fine. What is discouraged (and wrong in my opinion) is to leave it Any, when in reality it should be something else, (e.g., Number, Real, etc.)
Aye, the cases are just to demonstrate the general syntax. If one needs to implement a method for a concrete type, generally one should dispatch on abstract types and then specialize on concrete if one needs to or for multiple dispatch. For concrete types, one doesn’t need to use the Twhere syntax as there is no ambiguity and one can hardcode the necessary information for type-stability. For example,
function magic(obj::AbstractVector{Int64})
total = zero(Int64)
for each ∈ obj
total += each
return total