Is this the best way to convert a NUL terminated C-string into a Julia String
julia> typeof(text)
julia> unsafe_string(pointer(text))
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You have to be careful in general with this kind of code, because the pointer is not “rooted” — you need to make sure that text
does not get garbage-collected into oblivion before unsafe_string
is done with it. One option is to do:
GC.@preserve text s = unsafe_string(pointer(text))
Another option is to avoid “unsafe” pointer operations and do something like:
String(text[1:findfirst(==(0x00), text)-1])
What is the “best” way depends on what your criteria are, and in general will depend on the context. (For example, where does your text
array come from? It might be possible to read directly into a string buffer without making a copy.)