Is this a bug with Cholesky?

I have a matrix called “post_var” that fails with a cholesky decomposition but when I copy and paste the matrix and run cholseky on that it works. Can someone check out what’s going on?

The original code was from a 2014 blog post (kalman-filter-for-panel-data-and-mle-in-julia-part-1). I’ve updated the code to run on 1.0.1. I’ve pared down everything below to just reproduce the error. There are two code blocks below. One for the REPL output and one for reproducing the error.

Here’s the REPL of what’s going on

julia> print(post_var)
[0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]
julia> cholesky(post_var)
ERROR: PosDefException: matrix is not Hermitian; Cholesky factorization failed.
 [1] checkpositivedefinite(::Int64) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\bu
 [2] #cholesky!#91(::Bool, ::Function, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Val{false}) at C:\cygwin\home\Administr
 [3] #cholesky#95 at .\none:0 [inlined]
 [4] cholesky at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\st
dlib\v1.0\LinearAlgebra\src\cholesky.jl:275 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
 [5] top-level scope at none:0

julia> test = [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.5429      2.21032e-7
 2.21032e-7  0.268941

julia> print(cholesky(test))
Cholesky{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}([0.736817 2.99982e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.518595], 'U', 0)

Here’s the code to reproduce:

using LinearAlgebra
using DataFrames
using Distributions

function unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    place = 0
    A = reshape(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim^2)], (stateDim, stateDim))
    place += stateDim^2
    V = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim)]))
    place += stateDim
    Cparams = p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim * (obsDim - 1))]
    C = zeros(stateDim * obsDim, stateDim)
    for j in 1:stateDim
            C[(1 + obsDim * (j - 1)):obsDim * j, j] = vcat([1.0], Cparams[(1 + (obsDim - 1) * (j - 1)):(obsDim - 1) * j])
    place += (obsDim - 1) * stateDim
    W = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + obsDim * stateDim)]))
    return Dict("A"=>A, "V"=>V, "C"=>C, "W"=>W)

function KalmanDGP(p, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
    # initialize data
    data = zeros(N, stateDim*obsDim * T + 1)
    # parameters
    unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    A = unpacked["A"]
    V = unpacked["V"]
    C = unpacked["C"]
    W = unpacked["W"]
    # draw from DGP
    for i in 1:N
        # data of individual i
        iData = ones(stateDim * obsDim * T + 1)
        current_state = rand(MvNormal(reshape(init_exp, (stateDim, )), init_var))
        r_error_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, obsDim * stateDim, obsDim * stateDim)
        μ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        iData[1:stateDim*obsDim] = rand(MvNormal(r_error_var))
        for t in 2:T
            current_state = A * current_state + rand(MvNormal(V))
            iData[((t - 1) * stateDim * obsDim + 1):(t * stateDim * obsDim)] = C * current_state + rand(MvNormal(W))
        # add individual to data
        data[i, :] = iData
    return data

function incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
    # unpack parameters
    unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    A = unpacked["A"]
    V = unpacked["V"]
    C = unpacked["C"]
    W = unpacked["W"]
    # predict
    prior_exp = A * post_exp
    prior_var = A * post_var * transpose(A) + V
    obs_prior_exp = C * prior_exp
    obs_prior_var = C * prior_var * transpose(C) + W
    # update
    residual = new_obs - obs_prior_exp
    obs_prior_cov = prior_var * transpose(C)
    kalman_gain = obs_prior_cov * inv(obs_prior_var)
    post_exp = prior_exp + kalman_gain * residual
    post_var = prior_var - kalman_gain * transpose(obs_prior_cov)
    # step likelihood
    dist = MvNormal(reshape(obs_prior_exp, (length(obs_prior_exp),)), obs_prior_var)
    log_like = logpdf(dist, new_obs)
    return Dict("post_exp"=>post_exp, "post_var"=>post_var, "log_like"=>log_like)

params0 = [1.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,.5,-.5,.5,-.5,0.,1.,0.,-1.,0.,0.]
stateDim = 2
obsDim = 3
T = 4
N = 1000
init_exp = zeros(stateDim)
init_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, stateDim, stateDim)
data = KalmanDGP(params0, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
data = DataFrame(data)
names!(data, [:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6,:two_1,:two_2,:two_3,:two_4,:two_5,:two_6,:three_1,:three_2,:three_3,:three_4,:three_5,:three_6,:four_1,:four_2,:four_3,:four_4,:four_5,:four_6,:outcome])
obsDict = [[:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6],

iData = data[1,:]
cols = length(iData[obsDict[1]])
# initialization
post_exp = init_exp
post_var = init_var
init_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[1]])[1:cols]
dist = MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, length(init_obs), length(init_obs)))

p = [1.00002, 0.0, 6.05545e-6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

iData = data[1, :]
cols = length(iData[obsDict[1]])
# initialization
post_exp = init_exp
post_var = init_var
init_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[1]])[1:cols]
dist = MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, length(init_obs), length(init_obs)))
log_like = logpdf(dist, init_obs)
for t = 1
        global post_exp, post_var
        # predict and update
        new_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[t + 1]])[1:cols]
        new_post = incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
        # replace
        post_exp = new_post["post_exp"]
        post_var = new_post["post_var"]

test = [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]

In general you can not construct the exact same object from the printed output, you will not get back the exact same thing:

julia> post_var - [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
 -4.4542e-9    6.40177e-14
  6.40177e-14  4.2137e-7  

julia> post_var ≈ [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]

Not all of the digits are printed by default, so when you copy and paste you are slightly changing the inputs.

In general, roundoff errors can cause a matrix to be slightly non-symmetric or slightly indefinite. Try cholesky(Hermitian(A)) to tell Julia to assume A is exactly Hermitian and look only at the entries in the upper triangle.


I wonder if cholesky should simply not have methods for general matrices, only for Symmetric, Hermitian, Diagonal, etc, and make it clear that the user is responsible for providing the matrix in the appropriate form.


@fredrikekre, yes, that makes sense.

@stevengj, thank you! solved almost the entire issue.

@Tamas_Papp, the issue was related to calling MvNormal with a covariance matrix that was getting spit back as not pos-def. I had to use the GaussianDistributions.jl package to pass the covariance matrix as type Hermitian for it to work.

For posterity, full working code is below

using DataFrames
using Distributions
using Optim
using LinearAlgebra
using GaussianDistributions

function unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    place = 0
    A = reshape(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim^2)], (stateDim, stateDim))
    place += stateDim^2
    V = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim)]))
    place += stateDim
    Cparams = p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim * (obsDim - 1))]
    C = zeros(stateDim * obsDim, stateDim)
    for j in 1:stateDim
            C[(1 + obsDim * (j - 1)):obsDim * j, j] = vcat([1.0], Cparams[(1 + (obsDim - 1) * (j - 1)):(obsDim - 1) * j])
    place += (obsDim - 1) * stateDim
    W = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + obsDim * stateDim)]))
    return Dict("A"=>A, "V"=>V, "C"=>C, "W"=>W)

function KalmanDGP(p, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
    # initialize data
    data = zeros(N, stateDim*obsDim * T + 1)
    # parameters
    unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    A = unpacked["A"]
    V = unpacked["V"]
    C = unpacked["C"]
    W = unpacked["W"]
    # draw from DGP
    for i in 1:N
        # data of individual i
        iData = ones(stateDim * obsDim * T + 1)
        current_state = rand(MvNormal(reshape(init_exp, (stateDim, )), init_var))
        r_error_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, obsDim * stateDim, obsDim * stateDim)
        μ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        iData[1:stateDim*obsDim] = rand(MvNormal(r_error_var))
        for t in 2:T
            current_state = A * current_state + rand(MvNormal(V))
            iData[((t - 1) * stateDim * obsDim + 1):(t * stateDim * obsDim)] = C * current_state + rand(MvNormal(W))
        # add individual to data
        data[i, :] = iData
    return data

function incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
    # unpack parameters
    unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
    A = unpacked["A"]
    V = unpacked["V"]
    C = unpacked["C"]
    W = unpacked["W"]
    # predict
    prior_exp = A * post_exp
    prior_var = A * post_var * transpose(A) + V
    obs_prior_exp = C * prior_exp
    obs_prior_var = C * prior_var * transpose(C) + W
    # update
    residual = new_obs - obs_prior_exp
    obs_prior_cov = prior_var * transpose(C)
    kalman_gain = obs_prior_cov * inv(obs_prior_var)
    post_exp = prior_exp + kalman_gain * residual
    post_var = prior_var - kalman_gain * transpose(obs_prior_cov)
    # step likelihood
    dist = Gaussian(reshape(obs_prior_exp, (length(obs_prior_exp),)), Hermitian(obs_prior_var))
    log_like = logpdf(dist, new_obs)
    return Dict("post_exp"=>post_exp, "post_var"=>post_var, "log_like"=>log_like)

function indivKF(p, df, obsDict, init_exp, init_var, stateDim, obsDim, T, i)
    iData = df[i,:]
    cols = length(iData[obsDict[1]])
    # initialization
    post_exp = init_exp
    post_var = init_var
    init_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[1]])[1:cols]
    dist = MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, length(init_obs), length(init_obs)))
    log_like = logpdf(dist, init_obs)
    for t = 1:(T-1)
        # predict and update
        new_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[t + 1]])[1:cols]
        new_post = incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
        # replace
        post_exp = new_post["post_exp"]
        post_var = Hermitian(new_post["post_var"])
        # contribute
        log_like += new_post["log_like"]
    return log_like

function sampleKF(p,df,obsDict,init_exp,init_var,stateDim,obsDim,T)
    log_like = 0.0
    N = size(df, 1)
    for i in 1:N
        log_like += indivKF(p, df, obsDict, init_exp, init_var, stateDim, obsDim, T, i)
    neg_avg_log_like = -log_like/N
    # println("current average negative log-likelihood: ", neg_avg_log_like)
    return neg_avg_log_like[1]

function estimateKF()
    params0 = [1.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,.5,-.5,.5,-.5,0.,1.,0.,-1.,0.,0.]
    stateDim = 2
    obsDim = 3
    T = 4
    N = 1000
    init_exp = zeros(stateDim)
    init_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, stateDim, stateDim)
    data = KalmanDGP(params0, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
    data = DataFrame(data)
    names!(data, [:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6,:two_1,:two_2,:two_3,:two_4,:two_5,:two_6,:three_1,:three_2,:three_3,:three_4,:three_5,:three_6,:four_1,:four_2,:four_3,:four_4,:four_5,:four_6,:outcome])
    obsDict = [[:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6],

    function wrapLoglike(params)
        print("current parameters: ", params)
        return sampleKF(params, data, obsDict, init_exp, init_var, stateDim, obsDim, T)
    MLE = Optim.optimize(wrapLoglike, params0, ConjugateGradient(), Optim.Options(time_limit = 5.0))
    optimParams = unpackParams(MLE.minimizer, stateDim, obsDim)
    return optimParams

optimParams0 = estimateKF()

Sorry to revive this, but I’m encountering a persistent problem with LDLt factorizations of explicitly Hermitian sparse matrices.

Julia 1.1.1

julia> m = sprand(10^3, 10^3, 10^-2); ldlt(Hermitian(m))
ERROR: PosDefException: matrix is not positive definite; Cholesky factorization failed.

Note that LDLt should not need a positive definite matrix, just Hermitian. If I add a small shift, I can get a result

julia> m = sprand(10^3, 10^3, 10^-2); ldlt(Hermitian(m), shift = 10^-8)
type:    LDLt
method:  simplicial
maxnnz:  1072600
nnz:     142888
success: true

Is this expected?

EDIT: The underlying reason here seems to be that Hermitian(m) has a large nullspace (or “almost-nullspace”), which makes CHOLMOD choke. But I believe this might be considered a bug.

Although this looks like a bug in SuiteSparse, it is tricky. The ldlt wrapper is indeed invoking a CHOLMOD function with arguments requesting the indefinite (simplicial) algorithm. However, to preserve sparsity that algorithm sacrifices stability - it does no pivoting. Thus it may encounter zero divisors unless there are a significant number of non-zero entries on the diagonal or a tiny shift value is provided. These latter conditions will produce a factorization without error flags, but it may not be useful, i.e. it may have large forward and/or backwards errors when used in a solver.

In practice many indefinite sparse matrices have strong diagonals, so the algorithm works for them. If your problems provoke the error condition, you should check their character - you may be lucky that black-box code use did not just produce nonsense instead.

SuiteSparse-CHOLMOD advertises itself as a library for positive-definite systems, and the indefinite case is in the category of “this might work but caveat emptor”. So I don’t think it’s a bug, but it is a challenge to document properly.