I have a matrix called “post_var” that fails with a cholesky decomposition but when I copy and paste the matrix and run cholseky on that it works. Can someone check out what’s going on?
The original code was from a 2014 blog post (kalman-filter-for-panel-data-and-mle-in-julia-part-1). I’ve updated the code to run on 1.0.1. I’ve pared down everything below to just reproduce the error. There are two code blocks below. One for the REPL output and one for reproducing the error.
Here’s the REPL of what’s going on
julia> print(post_var)
[0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]
julia> cholesky(post_var)
ERROR: PosDefException: matrix is not Hermitian; Cholesky factorization failed.
[1] checkpositivedefinite(::Int64) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\bu
[2] #cholesky!#91(::Bool, ::Function, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Val{false}) at C:\cygwin\home\Administr
[3] #cholesky#95 at .\none:0 [inlined]
[4] cholesky at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\st
dlib\v1.0\LinearAlgebra\src\cholesky.jl:275 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
[5] top-level scope at none:0
julia> test = [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
0.5429 2.21032e-7
2.21032e-7 0.268941
julia> print(cholesky(test))
Cholesky{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}([0.736817 2.99982e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.518595], 'U', 0)
Here’s the code to reproduce:
using LinearAlgebra
using DataFrames
using Distributions
function unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
place = 0
A = reshape(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim^2)], (stateDim, stateDim))
place += stateDim^2
V = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim)]))
place += stateDim
Cparams = p[(place + 1):(place + stateDim * (obsDim - 1))]
C = zeros(stateDim * obsDim, stateDim)
for j in 1:stateDim
C[(1 + obsDim * (j - 1)):obsDim * j, j] = vcat([1.0], Cparams[(1 + (obsDim - 1) * (j - 1)):(obsDim - 1) * j])
place += (obsDim - 1) * stateDim
W = diagm(0=>exp.(p[(place + 1):(place + obsDim * stateDim)]))
return Dict("A"=>A, "V"=>V, "C"=>C, "W"=>W)
function KalmanDGP(p, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
# initialize data
data = zeros(N, stateDim*obsDim * T + 1)
# parameters
unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
A = unpacked["A"]
V = unpacked["V"]
C = unpacked["C"]
W = unpacked["W"]
# draw from DGP
for i in 1:N
# data of individual i
iData = ones(stateDim * obsDim * T + 1)
current_state = rand(MvNormal(reshape(init_exp, (stateDim, )), init_var))
r_error_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, obsDim * stateDim, obsDim * stateDim)
μ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
iData[1:stateDim*obsDim] = rand(MvNormal(r_error_var))
for t in 2:T
current_state = A * current_state + rand(MvNormal(V))
iData[((t - 1) * stateDim * obsDim + 1):(t * stateDim * obsDim)] = C * current_state + rand(MvNormal(W))
# add individual to data
data[i, :] = iData
return data
function incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
# unpack parameters
unpacked = unpackParams(p, stateDim, obsDim)
A = unpacked["A"]
V = unpacked["V"]
C = unpacked["C"]
W = unpacked["W"]
# predict
prior_exp = A * post_exp
prior_var = A * post_var * transpose(A) + V
obs_prior_exp = C * prior_exp
obs_prior_var = C * prior_var * transpose(C) + W
# update
residual = new_obs - obs_prior_exp
obs_prior_cov = prior_var * transpose(C)
kalman_gain = obs_prior_cov * inv(obs_prior_var)
post_exp = prior_exp + kalman_gain * residual
post_var = prior_var - kalman_gain * transpose(obs_prior_cov)
# step likelihood
dist = MvNormal(reshape(obs_prior_exp, (length(obs_prior_exp),)), obs_prior_var)
log_like = logpdf(dist, new_obs)
return Dict("post_exp"=>post_exp, "post_var"=>post_var, "log_like"=>log_like)
params0 = [1.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,.5,-.5,.5,-.5,0.,1.,0.,-1.,0.,0.]
stateDim = 2
obsDim = 3
T = 4
N = 1000
init_exp = zeros(stateDim)
init_var = Matrix{Float64}(I, stateDim, stateDim)
data = KalmanDGP(params0, stateDim, obsDim, N, T, init_exp, init_var)
data = DataFrame(data)
names!(data, [:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6,:two_1,:two_2,:two_3,:two_4,:two_5,:two_6,:three_1,:three_2,:three_3,:three_4,:three_5,:three_6,:four_1,:four_2,:four_3,:four_4,:four_5,:four_6,:outcome])
obsDict = [[:one_1,:one_2,:one_3,:one_4,:one_5,:one_6],
iData = data[1,:]
cols = length(iData[obsDict[1]])
# initialization
post_exp = init_exp
post_var = init_var
init_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[1]])[1:cols]
dist = MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, length(init_obs), length(init_obs)))
p = [1.00002, 0.0, 6.05545e-6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
iData = data[1, :]
cols = length(iData[obsDict[1]])
# initialization
post_exp = init_exp
post_var = init_var
init_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[1]])[1:cols]
dist = MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, length(init_obs), length(init_obs)))
log_like = logpdf(dist, init_obs)
for t = 1
global post_exp, post_var
# predict and update
new_obs = convert(Array, iData[obsDict[t + 1]])[1:cols]
new_post = incrementKF(p, post_exp, post_var, new_obs, stateDim, obsDim)
# replace
post_exp = new_post["post_exp"]
post_var = new_post["post_var"]
test = [0.5429 2.21032e-7; 2.21032e-7 0.268941]