Is there any plan to create a pybind11-like C++ binding framework for Julia?

Hi, there. I just love Julia so much. However, Fortran and C/C++ have been playing a crucial role in scientific computing for decades. Is any Julia guru planning to create a pybind11-like binding framework for Fortran or C/C++?


Calling native code from Julia is much easier than it is from Python.

Julia can call C and Fortran directly:
This often involves just a single line call to ccall or @ccall.

Clang.jl can parse C headers and automate the wrapping.

For C++ there are a few distinct packages:

Is there something missing?


Thank you, adienes and mkitti. It seems there’s no need to create a pybind11-like binding framework for Fortran, C, and C++ to be called from within Julia.