I have an IOStream
, and I only want to read between the m
th line and n
th line. How should I do?
I have a pseudocode:
using ResumableFunctions
@resumable function iterate_io_between(io::IOStream, m::Int, n::Int)
io = seek(io, m)
while pos != n
pos = position(io)
@yield io
I am not sure the @yield
statement works, since I have not used ResumableFunctions
operates on byte offsets but it seems you want m
and n
to be lines. You can use readline
until you get to line m
and n
respectively. There is no way to immediately “jump” to the correct line in a file.
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Thanks. You are right. But then I am still confused about how to write the code. How should I “start” "yield"ing the IOStream
at the m
th line and stop it at the n
th line? Like this?
@resumable function iterate_io_between(io::IOStream, start::Int, stop::Int)
for i in eachindex(1:stop)
if i == start
@yield io
end # if-else
end # for
Do you necessarily have to use ResumableFunctions
? You could just compose some iterators:
shell> cat file
julia> iterate_io_between(io, start, stop) = Iterators.take(Iterators.drop(eachline(io), start - 1), stop - start + 1)
iterate_io_between (generic function with 1 method)
julia> iter = iterate_io_between(open("file", "r"), 2, 4);
julia> collect(iter)
3-element Array{String,1}:
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Thank you for your help. The reason why I want to use ResumableFunctions
is that I want the return type of iterate_io_between
is also an IOStream
. If I am using your solution, then the type will be a Base.Iterators.Take