Hello everyone. I am solving a nonlinear matrix equation which can be solved be solved iteratively. A single iteration contains construction of a matrix H, its diagonalization and solution of a nonlinear equation for operator eigenvalues. Since eigenvalues and eigenvectors do not change much between iterations, I am looking on the way to precondition the eigensolver eigen
. However, I don’t see options for that.
Are there other alternative dense eigensolvers for Julia?
To add a little more detail, the matrix equation we are solving is:
2 \epsilon + a \psi + \psi^3 + \frac{1}{2} (\delta a \psi + \psi \delta a)=0
where a is a number, \epsilon, \delta a are matrices and \psi is the unknown. A following code does solve such problem:
using LinearAlgebra
using IterativeSolvers
using LazyArrays: ⋆
# The equations we are trying to solve
F(a,δam,ϵ,ψ) = 2 .* ϵ + 1/2 .* (δam*ψ + ψ*δam) + a*ψ + ψ^3
function λ(a,Λ)
p = -9*Λ + sqrt(12*a^3 + 81*Λ^2)
return (-2*3^(1/3)*a + 2^(1/3)*p^(2/3))/(6^(2/3)*p^(1/3))
### A relaxation parameter
α = 10.
a = 1.
ωD = 10.
N = 100
ϵ = Diagonal(range(-ωD,stop=ωD,length=N))
δa = zeros(Complex{Float64},N)
δa[1] = 2.1
#δa[60] = 1.2
δam = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef,(N,N))
for m in 1:N
for n in 1:N
if m-n>0
δam[m,n] = δa[m-n]
elseif n-m>0
δam[m,n] = δa[n-m]'
δam[m,n] = 0
function solveψ(a,δam,ϵ,N,α)
ψ = zeros(Complex{Float64},(N,N))
U = Matrix{Complex{Float64}}(I,(N,N))
H = zeros(Complex{Float64},(N,N))
δψ = zeros(Complex{Float64},(N,N))
for i in 1:100
H .= 2 .* ϵ + 1/2 .* (δam*ψ + ψ*δam)
# ### Ordinary eigensolver
# h = eigen(H)
# U = h.vectors
# Λ = h.values
# Diagonalizing as much as possible before giving to eigensolver
# Hp = U'*H*U
# @time h = eigen(Hp)
# global U = U*h.vectors
# Λ = h.values
### IterativeSolvers
iter = LOBPCGIterator(H,true,U)
h = lobpcg!(iter)
Λ = h.λ
δψ .= U*Diagonal((x -> λ(a,x)).(Λ))*U' - ψ
if mod(i,10)==0
@show norm(F(a,δam,ϵ,ψ))
### Adaptive relaxation
if norm(F(a,δam,ϵ,ψ+α*δψ))>norm(F(a,δam,ϵ,ψ))
α = α/2
ψ .= ψ .+ α .* δψ
return ψ
@time solveψ(a,δam,ϵ,N,α)
Previously I thought that preconditioning would increase performance, but even giving an initial guess (which I previously called preconditioning) does not improve the performance.
Are there other changes I could make to improve the performance of solveψ