I am sorry to tell you, but log has infinite complex values as a solution for negative arguments (if i recall that right) . Is there a way to keep the argument positive?
Edit: Oh i see, you added a hundred. So that should not be the issue.
I don’t know if Plots.jl supports this, but PyPlot.jl has a nifty axis scaling that’s called symlog: Symlog Demo — Matplotlib 3.1.0 documentation In essence, it makes large numbers logarithmic, both for positive and negative numbers, but keeps a small interval around the zero crossing linear.
Often when working with logs only the absolute value of the argument is of interest. Other times I plot positive and negative values in different colors; eg (with pyplot, exploiting the fact that semilog silently ignores negative values) julia> semilogy(x, f.(x)); semilogy(x, .-f.(x)).