Is there a tutorial on `JuMP` extension development?

Is there a tutorial on JuMP extension development? I’m curious about how to transform a naturally written model (similar to the JuMP modeling language) into a standardized format that is suitable for algorithmic solving.

Is there a tutorial on JuMP extension development

Nope, largely because a JuMP “extension” is a fairly vague topic that could be many things. There is some material at Extensions · JuMP, but I don’t think this is what you are after.

into a standardized format that is suitable for algorithmic solving.

So you want to write a solver? What format do you need? For this you should write an interface to MOI, and ignore JuMP. A start is Implementing a solver interface · MathOptInterface. But it is best to pick a similar solver that is already implemented and follow that.


Thanks! Maybe there is still a long way to go for me to write a solver or something else. :woozy_face: