Is there a shorter way to write `for m₁ in axes(M, 1), m₂ in axes(M, 2)` in the co

Is there a shorter way to write for m₁ in axes(M, 1), m₂ in axes(M, 2) in the code below? m₁ and m₂ are required.

let M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
	res = Any[]
	for m₁ in axes(M, 1), m₂ in axes(M, 2)
		push!(res, (M[m₁, m₂]))

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for m in CartesianIndices(M) and then use m[1] and m[2] in your code.


Consider carefully whether you should use Any here, instead of some concrete type. It is likely to hurt performance significantly.

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Just to be sure, the CartesianIndices provide in this case a shorter syntax but they seem to be 2x less performant in terms of allocations and speed compared to OP’s proposal? Tested it for: M = randn(1_000,1_000)

They should be essentially the same on Julia 1.6 or higher. Which version are you testing?

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Julia Version 1.6.0-beta1.0 on Win10. Copying test here in case I might be doing something wrong:

M = randn(1_000,1_000)

@btime let  #  74 ms (2979998 allocations: 70 MiB)
	res = Any[]
	for m₂ in axes(M, 2), m₁ in axes(M, 1)
		push!(res, (M[m₁, m₂]))

@btime let  # 146 ms (4978020 allocations: 146 MiB)
    res = Any[]
    for m in CartesianIndices(M)
        m₁, m₂ = m[1], m[2]
        push!(res, M[m])

It’s typically easier to just benchmark functions rather than lets… but the key is that you need to flag M as an argument to the benchmark kernel with a $ either way. Otherwise, it’s treated as a non-constant global reference, which can have strange performance effects depending upon how inlining happens.

julia> @btime let  #  74 ms (2979998 allocations: 70 MiB)
               res = Any[]
               for m₂ in axes($M, 2), m₁ in axes($M, 1)
                       push!(res, ($M[m₁, m₂]))
  11.836 ms (1000020 allocations: 24.26 MiB)

julia> @btime let  # 146 ms (4978020 allocations: 146 MiB)
           res = Any[]
           for m in CartesianIndices($M)
               m₁, m₂ = m[1], m[2]
               push!(res, $M[m])
  11.574 ms (1000020 allocations: 24.26 MiB)

Of course, now we still have the pessimized storage for the Any[] array, but that just adds ~1ms to each.


@mbauman, thank you for the explanation.
pairs() seems to have similar performance in this case: for (m, Mij) in pairs(M) and then use m[1], m[2] and Mij

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