Is REQUIRE required?

I am getting CI Travis erros:

11.09s$ julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.clone("");'
┌ Warning: Pkg.clone is only kept for legacy CI script reasons, please use `add`
└ @ Pkg.API /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:445
   Cloning default registries into /home/travis/.julia/registries
   Cloning registry General from ""
  Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
  Updating git-repo ``
   Cloning git-repo ``
  Updating git-repo ``
 Resolving package versions...
ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:
 * InteractiveUtils (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * LinearAlgebra (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * Printf (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * Random (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * SparseArrays (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * Statistics (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * Test (not found in project, manifest or registry)
 * Unicode (not found in project, manifest or registry)

My REQUIRE does reference these packages, and following some advice concerning integration of my package in the registry I also removed my Project.toml.

So is the REQUIRE correctly specified? If so, why am I getting these errors?

Standard libraries should still not be in REQUIRE.


My bad. I thought I had to compensate for the removed Project.toml.