However, the ENV variable is not expanded in the output returned by YAML.jl.
Is there a way I can parse environmental variables in YAML.jl, or use another way to have relative paths that expand to an absolute path in a YAML configuration file ?
Of course, I could simply use replace(def_settings["ft_list"],"\${SCENARIO_PATH}" => "/some/path") but this obliges me to keep a list of the places where I use this relative path outside the configuration file…
Please note that variable interpolation is not as trivial as it looks, there are many quirks and edge cases. There are also several variants out there. The docker-compose manual has a nice summary of a variation that’s not unlike what bash and zsh do.
Recently, I have implemented my own Julia code for this type of interpolation (with default values, errors, etc.). It’s probably not 100%, but covers most cases.
const UNBRACED_RE = r"\$([A-Z0-9_]+)"
const BRACED_RE = r"\${([A-Z0-9_]+)(?:(:?)([?+-])((?:[^${}]|(?R))*))?}"
Perform variable interpolation in `str`ing, using variables from `env`.
function interpolate(str::AbstractString;
env::AbstractDict{<: AbstractString} = ENV
function unbraced(s::AbstractString)
(name,) = match(UNBRACED_RE, s)
return get(env, name, "")
function braced(s::AbstractString)
(name, nonempty, mode, param) = match(BRACED_RE, s)
param = param === nothing ? nothing : interpolate(param; env)
v = get(env, name, nothing)
if v !== nothing && (nonempty != ":" || !isempty(v))
return mode == "+" ? param : v
return mode == "-" ? param : mode == "?" ? error(param) : ""
return replace(str, UNBRACED_RE => unbraced, BRACED_RE => braced)
I’m not aware of any standard YAML reader that does environment variable substitution out of the box, although it’s a common thing to do in various applications that use YAML configuration files. As far as I know it’s done in one of three ways:
Substitution in the data before feeding it to the YAML reader.
Substitution in the output from the YAML reader.
Calling the YAML reader with a custom constructor.
If you have envsubst avaiable (standard linux utility from GNU gettext), then you can use it to easily do point (1) in Gunnar’s suggested methods:
julia> write("test.yaml", "ft_list: \${SCENARIO_PATH}/forest_types.txt") # write test file
julia> ENV["SCENARIO_PATH"]="mypath" # set env
julia> using YAML
julia> load_and_substitute(file, env...) = YAML.load(IOBuffer(read(pipeline(file, addenv(`envsubst`, env...)))))
load_and_substitute (generic function with 1 method)
julia> load_and_substitute("test.yaml")
Dict{Any, Any} with 1 entry:
"ft_list" => "mypath/forest_types.txt"
julia> load_and_substitute("test.yaml", "SCENARIO_PATH" => "mypath2")
Dict{Any, Any} with 1 entry:
"ft_list" => "mypath2/forest_types.txt"
Here I used addenv to let you easily customize the environment for testing etc, but you don’t need it.
There is a Gettext_jll but it doesn’t seem to have envsubst as an executable product. Maybe that can be added in Yggdrasil so then you have a portable version that doesn’t depend on the user having envsubst already installed.