# Three-argument *
*(A, B::AbstractMatrix, C)
A * B * C * D
Chained multiplication of 3 or 4 matrices is done in the most efficient sequence,
based on the sizes of the arrays. That is, the number of scalar multiplications needed
for `(A * B) * C` (with 3 dense matrices) is compared to that for `A * (B * C)`
to choose which of these to execute.
Which implies that a chain of * is not parsed as a sequence of binary operations. I was not aware of this, and looks like it works for any length chain.
julia> module MyMul
*(x,y,z) = 3
*(x,y,z,a,b,c) = 6
function test()
julia> MyMul.test()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64)
You may have intended to import Base.:*
Is this a v1.7 parser change, or is this something else? What other operators can I expect to act like this?
For + and *, there are fallback definitions which work left-to-right, e.g. @less 1 * 2 * 3. What is new on 1.7 is that some chains of matrix multiplication will be done in other orders if this is more efficient. (Before this, there were also some other specialisations such as @which [1,2]' * Diagonal([3,4]) * [5,6].)