Using A_mul_B! seems to be messing up it’s input. I attach a .jl file (INPUT) and the output I get on my machine. The output’s last line is the one which is puzzling!
# Code snippet to test
nx, ny = 8, 8
nk, nl = nx, ny
nkr = trunc(Int, round(nx/2+1))
# Initialize
f = randn(nx, ny)
fh = rfft(f)
fcopy = deepcopy(f)
fhcopy = deepcopy(fh)
f3 = zeros(f)
# Plan FFT
rfftplan = plan_rfft(f; flags=effort)
irfftplan = plan_irfft(fh, nx; flags=effort)
# Restore original values without changing address in memory
f .= fcopy
fh .= fhcopy
@printf("\nAfter deepcopy( ):
norm(fh-fhcopy) = %e", norm(fh-fhcopy))
f2 = irfft(fh, nx)
@printf("\nInverse with irfft( ):
norm(f-f2) = %e
norm(fh-fhcopy) = %e", norm(f-f2), norm(fh-fhcopy))
A_mul_B!(f3, irfftplan, fh)
@printf("\nInverse with A_mul_B!( ):
norm(f-f3) = %e
norm(fh-fhcopy) = %e\n\n", norm(f-f3), norm(fh-fhcopy))
After deepcopy( ):
norm(fh-fhcopy) = 0.000000e+00
Inverse with irfft( ):
norm(f-f2) = 1.233205e-15
norm(fh-fhcopy) = 0.000000e+00
Inverse with A_mul_B!( ):
norm(f-f3) = 1.233205e-15
norm(fh-fhcopy) = 1.034644e+02