Hi all,
I know that it is possible to use Ipopt in Julia without using JumP. For this the user has to define eval_f (objective function), eval_g (nonlinear constraints), eval_grad_f (gradient of the objective function) and eval_jac_g (jacobian of the nonlinear constriants).
Well, defining eval_f and eval_g is not a problem. Also I use “forwardDiff.gradient” to evaluate eval_grad_f, which has worked okay. Is there a way to define eval_jac_g (ofcourse without doing it analytically) with syntax and arguments that fits Ipopt? Let us assume we have two nonlinear constraints.
For example:
function eval_jac_g(x, mode, rows, cols, values)
if mode == :Structure
# Constraint
rows[xx] = 1; cols[xx] = 1
and so on…
# Constraint
values[xx] = x[2]*x[3]*x[4] # just an example
and so on…
Is there a way to use “forwardDiff.hessian” to fill up rows and cols and values?