Invitation to VizCon 2 - 12-16 March 2020

thanks, :+1:

any discussion on the meta issues that you summarized?
Particularly this one

I am currently post-editing plots fixing error bars in legend in the graphic editor (what a shame)

That particular meta-issue fell victim to Corona.
There’ll be a blog post soon ™

What about interactive grammar of graphics?
Combined with custom query / filtering and custom array types, this can lead to very powerful interactive GUIs.

GitHub - queryverse/VegaLite.jl: Julia bindings to Vega-Lite does that.

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Indeed it does, and that’s the goal of piever’s work as well I believe - but plotting-package independent. Check the video at the vizcon channel.

Is piever working on an interactive grammar of graphics? I didn’t see any mention of that in the video, I thought it was just a grammar of graphics like interface, right?

Maybe I don’t understand what it is then, sorry - I’m sure @piever can clarify.

So the term “interactive grammar of graphics” was (as far as I understand it) introduced in this paper. A traditional “grammar of graphics” story allows you to create a static plot. An “interactive grammar of graphics” allows you to create an interactive plots, like for example this one, where you can select a range with the mouse in the top plot to filter the bottom plot.

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Yes, for now I’m focusing on the “command-line” interface. Playing a bit with Makie, I had the impression that it is possible to make that kind of widgets. Obviously my first attempts were not nearly as polished as the one you linked (and I had the impression that there were some bugs in mouse interactivity for web based Makie). Interesting to discover that’s called “interactive grammar of graphics”.

That’s definitely something to keep in mind for the future (we were considering to also discuss a bit user interfaces in future vizcon). I don’t think it has been done in Makie yet, but would be a very nice way to showcase its interactive features. Maybe it could even be a good GSOC project.