Investigating large latency on a constrained Windows environment

Yes, that matches my expectation. We can isolate the effect to DLL loading.

We can build a simple DLL using zig as follows.

julia> using zig_jll

julia> write("add.zig",
       export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
           return a + b;

julia> zig = zig_jll.zig();

julia> run(`$zig build-lib -dynamic -lc add.zig`);

julia> using Libdl

julia> @time dlopen("./") # probably add.dll for you
Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000000c39e10

julia> libadd = :libadd

julia> @ccall libadd.add(5::Int32, 5::Int32)::Int32

Later I will expand this to build an executable that loads the DLL with timings. Then we’ll know if this is Julia specific or not.

julia> write("testdll.zig",
       const std = @import("std");
       pub fn main() !void {
           const start = std.time.microTimestamp();
           var lib = try"libadd.dll");
           const stop = std.time.microTimestamp();
           const elapsed = stop - start;
           const add = lib.lookup(*fn (i32,i32) i32, "add").?;
           std.debug.print("add {} in {}\\n", .{add(5,6), elapsed});

julia> run(`$zig build-exe testdll.zig`);

julia> run(`.\testdll.exe`)