I ran it:
34: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{String}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for convert(::Type{Union{Nothing, String}}, ::Any) (12 children)
35: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{String}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for REPL.REPLHistoryProvider(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (12 children)
36: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{String}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for setindex!(::Vector{String}, ::Any, ::Int64) (28 children)
37: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{String}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for convert(::Type{Pair{String, String}}, ::Pair{String}) (39 children)
38: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Union{Type{String}, Type{Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}}}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for (::Base.var"#cvt1#1"{Tuple{String, Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}}})(::Int64) (151 children)
39: signature Tuple{typeof(convert), Type{String}, Any} triggered MethodInstance for Base.CoreLogging.var"#handle_message#2"(::Base.Pairs{Symbol, V, Tuple{Vararg{Symbol, N}}, NamedTuple{names, T}} where {V, N, names, T<:Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}}, ::typeof(Base.CoreLogging.handle_message), ::Base.CoreLogging.SimpleLogger, ::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (975 children)
Number 38 of those should be fixed by add some type annotations to improve type stability by KristofferC · Pull Request #3309 · JuliaLang/Pkg.jl · GitHub.
The rest seems unrelated to Pkg.
The last one is worse with so many children but it is unclear to me why that came up all of a sudden.