I don’t understand the following version compatibility error during installation of ContinuumArrays.jl
(@v1.7) pkg> add ContinuumArrays
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi [aa41a628]:
OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi [aa41a628] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.0.1-0.4.3 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions * by ApproxFunBase [fbd15aa5], leaving only versions 0.0.1-0.4.3
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with FillArrays [1a297f60] to versions: uninstalled — no versions left
The dependency tree in the error message complains that different versions of OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi.jl
are required by different packages, but the details of the tree don’t seem to support this complaint:
- The available versions of
. -
is restricted to versions*
.- So, the
version is unrestricted byApproxFunBase.jl
- So, the
is uninstalled byFillArrays.jl
.- So, the
version is practically unrestricted byFillArrays.jl
- So, the
In fact I am not sure what the last bullet point above means. FillArrays.jl
does not require OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi.jl
as shown in its Project.toml
, so it seems obvious that OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi.jl
is uninstalled by FillArrays.jl
. Then why does FillArrays.jl
even care about the version of OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi.jl
The full error message is here:
(@v1.7) pkg> add ContinuumArrays
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi [aa41a628]:
OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi [aa41a628] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.0.1-0.4.3 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions * by ApproxFunBase [fbd15aa5], leaving only versions 0.0.1-0.4.3
│ └─ApproxFunBase [fbd15aa5] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.4.0 or uninstalled
│ ├─restricted to versions 0.3-0.5 by ApproxFunFourier [59844689], leaving only versions 0.4.0
│ │ └─ApproxFunFourier [59844689] log:
│ │ ├─possible versions are: 0.2.12 or uninstalled
│ │ └─ApproxFunFourier [59844689] is fixed to version 0.2.12
│ └─ApproxFunBase [fbd15aa5] is fixed to version 0.4.0
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with FillArrays [1a297f60] to versions: uninstalled — no versions left
└─FillArrays [1a297f60] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.2.0-0.12.7 or uninstalled
└─restricted to versions 0.12 by ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials [b30e2e7b], leaving only versions 0.12.0-0.12.7
└─ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials [b30e2e7b] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.5.1 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions 0.5 by HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials [e416a80e], leaving only versions 0.5.1
│ └─HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials [e416a80e] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.2.4 or uninstalled
│ └─HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials [e416a80e] is fixed to version 0.2.4
└─ClassicalOrthogonalPolynomials [b30e2e7b] is fixed to version 0.5.1