Looks like it’s mainly because length(::Date) isn’t defined. You could do eval(Base, :(length(::Date) = 1)) and see how far you get after that. If that’s all that’s needed, we could add that definition to stdlib/Dates, since I think we define that for Numbers anyway.
I am also interested in interpolation with DateTime as the x-variable.
using Interpolations, Dates
a = [DateTime(2018,1,1)+Hour(j) for j in 1:6]
y = [3*j+1 for j in 1:6]
myinterp = LinearInterpolation(a, y)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::Interpolations.Extrapolation{Float64,1,Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{Float64,1,Int64,Gridded{Linear},Tuple{Array{DateTime,1}}},Gridded{Linear},Throw{Nothing}})(::DateTime)
Use square brackets for indexing an Array.